Fuckin' A I'm hooked on this shit. I first tried it drinking it straight from coconuts in VN, been drinking it ever since. It seems to be gaining in popularity here because I see more and more stores carrying it. If only Costco would stock it so I could buy it in bulk.
It quenches my thirst like nothing else, and one serving has as much potassium as two bananas. More electrolytes than Gatorade too. I hear it's real popular with runners now.
Anyone else drink it? You can get it at the Asian stores with pulp in it. It's good too, but I prefer without.
It quenches my thirst like nothing else, and one serving has as much potassium as two bananas. More electrolytes than Gatorade too. I hear it's real popular with runners now.
Anyone else drink it? You can get it at the Asian stores with pulp in it. It's good too, but I prefer without.
