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Faith in people was restored today

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  • #16
    It sure is nice to know that there are still some good people out there, white, black, what ever. The world ain't so bad after all!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
      No, I'm married and even thought she was a sweet lady... she was not bangable.
      What if that was the only payment she would have accepted...and you were single?


      • #18
        I high centered my box truck around 5AM one Saturday morning while attempting to U-turn in the middle of a two lane country road last summer just outside of Bristol and within 30 minutes I had literally 5 pickup trucks stop to help pull me out. The truck that ended up hooking up to me was this BEAST F350 that sounded and looked amazing.

        Good people are out there.


        • #19
          I pulled 2 guys out of a wrecked car that was leaking gas. Then let the cops handle it when they arrived. True story. There are still plenty of shitty people out there though....


          • #20
            Originally posted by A+ View Post
            I pulled 2 guys out of a wrecked car that was leaking gas. Then let the cops handle it when they arrived. True story. There are still plenty of shitty people out there though....
            Nice thread steal!!!!
            Originally posted by talisman
            I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
            Originally posted by AdamLX
            If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny
            Because fuck you, that's why
            Originally posted by 80coupe
            nice dick, Idrivea4banger
            Originally posted by Rick Modena
            ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
            Originally posted by Jester
            Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


            • #21
              I wanna know why she had to be a black lady???

              Lol. Flat tires are about the only time i will stop. Though when I see one, out comes the floor jack, if it's a woman. Men get a "you fucking pussy" look if they're not already handling up on it...


              • #22
                that is a good story. not too many good samaritans these days.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Taylor View Post
                  What if that was the only payment she would have accepted...and you were single?
                  I would have walked.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mikec View Post
                    I wanna know why she had to be a black lady???

                    Lol. Flat tires are about the only time i will stop. Though when I see one, out comes the floor jack, if it's a woman. Men get a "you fucking pussy" look if they're not already handling up on it...
                    This board seems to be very hard against black people so I made a point to show that they are good too.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mikec View Post
                      I wanna know why she had to be a black lady???

                      Lol. Flat tires are about the only time i will stop. Though when I see one, out comes the floor jack, if it's a woman. Men get a "you fucking pussy" look if they're not already handling up on it...
                      you would be suprised how many fuckers dont know how to change their own flat.
                      mostly people with money that dont wanna get dirty.


                      • #26
                        There are good people. I try to return the favor when I can, by say pushing a vehicle, etc.

                        A couple months ago I was riding around with a group around Venus and Maypearl. Towards the last hour of the ride I came up to a stop sign and I noticed that my gear indicator said I was in 3rd, when I knew for sure I was in 1st. I decided to turn the bike off and restart it to see if that would resolve the issue.

                        I tried to turn it back on and nothing. We pushed it up the road a bit and tried to jump start it, but it wouldn't work. We then decided to see if we could find some jumping cables to jump it off another bike. A couple buddies walked a bit up the road and found some houses and found someone to let us borrow their cables. This started the bike, but no matter how long we left it charging, when we unhooked the cables, it would die.

                        After about 30 minutes of fucking with it a guy rolled up on a Busa and asked if we needed any help. We kind of explained what was going on with the bike and that we would continue trying to fix it.

                        Another 30 minutes later after having no luck, the same guy on the Busa came back around in his truck and asked if I need a ride to get a battery. I really don't like rolling around with strangers, but he was at least another sportbike guy. He ran me up to Autozone which was about 15 minutes or so away and I picked up a battery. He refused gas money or cash.

                        Got me back to the bike and I threw the battery in. The bike started right up! It was enough to get me home, but in the end I also had to replace the stator and rectifier.

                        Cool dude!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
                          Ran out of gas today for the first time in my life. So I started walking to a gas station. An African American lady stopped and asked if that was my truck up the road. I said yes ma'am I ran out of gas. She said hop in I will run you to the store. She apologized for her AC not working. She took me to the QT to buy a gas can and gas. She asked if I would rather go to Home Depot across the street because the can would be cheaper. I said No ma'am I don't want to bother you for anymore of your time. So i went in and got the can. Started pumping and asked her to open her gas lid so I could fill her up since I had no cash on me. She refused to pop it open. She then drove me back to my truck and waited to see if it would start.

                          There are good people left in this world!

                          how do you know she was from africa?



                          • #28
                            Originally posted by tribaltalon View Post
                            how do you know she was from africa?
                            This ^^

                            Not to shit on your thread, I help people when I can and it wont put me in harms way.

                            BUT, why the hell do we still refer to people of color as 'African Americans' when they were born in country? If you were born in Africa and travelled here and became a US citizen, then by all means you can be called an African American, but if you have been born and raised on American soil then you are an American, regardless of your heritage, your ass is American.

                            My family is from Ireland and Germany, I don't list myself as an Irish-German American. Do black folk living in England call themselves African English?

                            This is the shit that perpetuates racism, stereotypes and a division of the country.
                            G'Day Mate


                            • #29
                              I only help out hotties, if a fat lady is stranded by the side of the road she's SOL
                              Originally posted by Nash B.
                              Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.

