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Outdoor activities as a kid?

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  • Outdoor activities as a kid?

    What did you do outdoors as a kid that you miss? BEFORE you had a car.

    Sandlot football/baseball. Remember using a "ghost man" when you didn't have players and needed someone to hold a base.

    Crawdad fishing with some fishing line and bacon in an old culvert or creek.

    Riding bicycles all over town. Jumping home made ramps and barreling down wooded paths.

    Camping in the back yard with friends.

    Especially vivid and missed would be building what we called go-carts. Reruns of old "Little Rascals" were a big influence. Especially if you ever saw the one with the firetruck. None of ours had motors though. They were made out of scraps of wood and whatever wheels we could get our hands on. It was just like that old Cosby sketch. Most of us were not allowed to get into our Dad's tools and power tools were a real no-no, so we improvised. Cutting with a hand saw wasn't so bad, but it limited us to very angular cuts. Lack of a drill was another big limitation. Most of what we built did not have a steering wheel or bearings or even axles. Sometimes we would nail a bunch of nails through the bearing hole of a lawnmower wheel and THAT was the "spindle". The "axle" was a plank with these wheels hammered into each end and the plank was nailed in the middle with the biggest nail or nails we could find. A rope was nailed to each end of the board and we steered by holding this like reigns on a horse. If you were really lucky, you might find a solid axle and wheels from a on old Big Wheel that could be used for the rear since it could handle more abuse and those hard plastic wheels would slip and slide on asphalt making for more fun. I still remember one particular Summer day in my friends back yard where several of us neighborhood kids had gathered and building them. Our friends down the street, Paco, Bebe and Martin came up with a "van" they built. They built a box of sorts on the rear with a roof on it. It had porthole windows, shag carpet and was spray painted blue, but it was too heavy to push very fast. We didn't have any hills around us. Later on, we found ourselves a F150 Army Powerwheels someone was throwing away. We decided to stretch it out since we were all too big for it (we were about 8 - 12). We cut it in half and stretched it out with 2 x 4's. The luxury was having proper steering with a steering wheel. Someone came up with the idea of tying a rope to it and pulling it by bike. That was a blast. We'd get it up really fast on asphalt and jerk the wheel from side to side until we were drifting all over the road and spinning out until the slack took up and nearly yanking the kid off the bike.

    I plan to build one of these carts with my kids soon and relive some memories.

  • #2
    Pretty much everything you mentioned.

    I used to be a fort building fool when I was a kid. I spent more time at "the creek" than I can count. My GI Joes had some serious water front battles.


    • #3
      Riding bikes
      Taking sweet jumps
      racing friends from one end of street to the other
      putting the baseball card on the frame to rub against the spokes
      remote control cars

      a game we called "chase the lawnmower"... my dad had deactivated the shut down switch on the seat of his riding lawnmower..we would get it going in top gear.. jump off.... and it was the next persons turn to chase it down jump on and steer it another direction and repeat the process.

      fourwheelers and go karts

      bottle rocket wars

      water gun fights

      riding our bikes through the creek


      • #4
        Alot of what's mentioned above. We used to like exploring creeks and stuff like that.

        Chasing down the icecream truck too. LOL


        • #5
          • Riding bikes everywhere. Ramps and dirt trails, too.
          • Running around the neighborhood with plastic guns playing army.
          • Running around in the woods with BB gun shooting whatever.
          • Building forts from scrap wood and spending the night in it. We managed to build a 3 story monstrosity once. About 15W x 15L x 25H.
          • TPing
          • Bigwheels and doing slideouts.
          "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


          • #6
            BMX & skateboard. My life revolved around those two objects.


            • #7
              Rode bikes/motorcycles/hunted small game/shot shit up all the time in the summer. Played in the snow in the winter.
              Last edited by SS Junk; 08-10-2011, 09:31 AM.


              • #8
                I use to make bombs and rockets as a kid.
                "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                • #9
                  Originally posted by UserX View Post
                  BMX & skateboard. My life revolved around those two objects.

                  Mostly bmx for me. I never could skate for shit.


                  • #10
                    Stalking the woods with my BB gun shooting everything in sight.
                    Climbing trees and seeing who could go the highest and jump from the highest branch.
                    Riding bikes and skateboards
                    Sledding down the hilly streets of Colorado Springs in winter and hoping you didn't hit a parked car.
                    Playing "war" "cowboys and indians" "cops and robbers" with toy guns that actually looked like real guns...
                    "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


                    • #11
                      BB gun fights, staying out so late that we were all in deep shit just to repeat it the next day, constant football and baseball games, trying to jump the creek behind our buddy's house. First by foot, then by bike as wee fashioned ramps which generally led to failure.

                      There was a lot, camping out, fighting for fun, etc.

                      I bet I put 20,000 miles on my Diamond Back.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                        I bet I put 20,000 miles on my Diamond Back.

                        My Schwinn in blue...


                        • #13
                          I also remembered riding to the local grocery store that had Super Mario Bros. and we'd be there for HOURS!!... then they got rid of it and we went to 7/11 and would buy a grab bag of fritos and fill it with chili and cheese, and a big gulp with all flavors mixed in and play street fighter and contra ALL DAY!!


                          • #14
                            We rode our bikes everywhere, spent lots of time in the drainage ditch behind my neighborhood setting things on fire lol. At home we mostly played war, had a homemade fort in the back and Lego Uzi's with spare mags. It's a bitch when you trip and fall on cement with lego Uzi.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by UserX View Post
                              BMX & skateboard. My life revolved around those two objects.
                              add in pussy at 11 and then pot, acid and alcohol at 13 and sums up my teenage years!

