Where is the clicky for BOTH. My living and work environment uses a lot of port-a-jons, obviously no sinks to use soap there. My main bathroom in my office does have a sink so I use soap but use hand sanitizer throughout the day just as a precaution. Afghanistan is a dirty motherfucker.
Man, Iraq got me to where I am today. The mandatory hand washing stations before you enter the DFAC changed my life. I cannot sit down at a table and eat without first washing my hands. I'm always kinda shocked I'm usually the only person that washes his hands. I even say "Ive gotta wash my hands"
I'm not OCD or anything, I just think about all the stuff I've touched since the last hand wash.
I'm a soap and warm water kinda girl, then again, every time I see this:
I can't help but think, "She'd be sexier if she actually washed her damn hair."
I use soap. Frankly I think one of the reasons I haven't been sick since childhood is because I have built up resistance to infection by actually getting sick as a child. I do wash my hands all the time but just with soap. I haven't even gotten a flu shot since I got out of the Army over a decade ago. I don't remember ever taking a sick day.
no they are not. While nearly all soaps kill a large amount of bacteria...there is a difference between regular soap and anti-bacterial soap. A true anti bacterial has different active ingredients there to attack more bacteria than a regular soap.
sanitizer may kill the germs but when u wash your hands with soap, if your hands were previously dirty, you will see that crap come out of your hands.. Soap FTW!
no they are not. While nearly all soaps kill a large amount of bacteria...there is a difference between regular soap and anti-bacterial soap. A true anti bacterial has different active ingredients there to attack more bacteria than a regular soap.
yes, they are. i guess you skipped high school chemistry class. regular old ordinary soap has acids and a base. they bind and repel like substances. bacteria, for example, gets suspended and rinsed off.
"antibacterial" soaps are a selling point. after each run or general transport, we would sometimes use handclens foam, but usually just regular soap and water for hand washing.
just gives those nasty assfucks that don't wash their hands after taking a shit or pissing an easier way out... I HATE people that do that. I seriously want to follow them out and ask them why they do it.
Yep, and after washing our hands we have to grab the same door handle to leave the bathroom that they just did.