demmy is just pissed im not one of the collective cocksucking fold that loves him for postwhoring in a foreign country as a hero. half the people that like him dont even know why.
demmy is just pissed im not one of the collective cocksucking fold that loves him for postwhoring in a foreign country as a hero. half the people that like him dont even know why.
I used to live right down the road from Denny, and went to his place a few times. I never got the same impression you have.
thats funny, i never got in a wreck in my dui's, anymore nonsense?
I'm just glad the other people were alert enough to move out of the way. Hopefully, you've learned your lesson, though, son. Make us all proud and just say no.
I'm just glad the other people were alert enough to move out of the way. Hopefully, you've learned your lesson, though, son. Make us all proud and just say no.
you damn sure aint my daddy and both times i was pulled over i was already in a nice slumber on safely on the side of the road. good think you used to be such a high and might christian because you sure like to judge
i said HALF and gosh, can you imagine someone acting different in person vs how they act on the internet?
No one on here views me as any kind of hero. Your jealousy just clouds your judgment. Most of the people that I know that like me have good reason to. These are just some mindless, blindly-following fucks.
you damn sure aint my daddy and both times i was pulled over i was already in a nice slumber on safely on the side of the road. good think you used to be such a high and might christian because you sure like to judge
I wasn't judging if you already admitted to it. I am still hoping you grew up a little from your experiences, son.
OK. I finally got a hold some Four Loko Watermelon. I slammed a TILT red then followed up by slamming a Four Loko Watermelon. And this time I left out the beer. I do feel a good buzz, but nothing that's a big deal at all. So, in conclusion...... These drinks and their effects are blown out of proportion by weak minded individuals and the media. You people are weak who think this drinks "fucks you up". LOL....
And the Watermelon taste fine. Doesn't taste bitter. Mike's Hard Lemonade taste worse than this.