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Board Demographic. What do you drive/have?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Cannon View Post
    I have a 92 Laser RS Turbo that I daily. It's a fun little car and it only has 23,143K!!! I heart DSMs.

    homeboy of mine in hs had a turbo laser that beat the SHIT outta most cars we ran back then..


    • #62
      98 GT with 178K...odometer quit 4 years ago...daily


      • #63
        I have a ford and I used to have a mustang. I have a 92 Super Coupe that I am restoring.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Fern View Post

          homeboy of mine in hs had a turbo laser that beat the SHIT outta most cars we ran back then..

          And one of the Cobra


          • #65
            Originally posted by Cannon View Post
            I have a 92 Laser RS Turbo that I daily. It's a fun little car and it only has 23,143K!!! I heart DSMs.
            23,143,000 miles! That's a shit load.

            On the original note, I've continuously owned and daily drove mustangs since 1985. Curently daily a 5 series BMW, own 5 mustangs and a few other collectables.


            • #66
              I sold my Mustang to Yale back in April. I still have some other Fords, but none of them are currently running.

              Oh yeah, I daily a '91 GMC Sonoma, been building a '66 Chevy C-10 short-wide. It's about a week away from being driveable, but it's so fucking hot I can't get any work done to it.



              • #67
                Originally posted by homealone View Post
                23,143,000 miles! That's a shit load.

                On the original note, I've continuously owned and daily drove mustangs since 1985. Curently daily a 5 series BMW, own 5 mustangs and a few other collectables.
                I'm so fucking butt hurt now!

                I meant 23K. I'll e-fight you until my fingers bleed!


                • #68
                  I still have my 86 5.0 from when I started driving 12 years ago.

                  I have been holding on for it to be a classic so I can get the inspection done with no problems. We are looking at getting a house, so it might be up for sale one day.

                  Oh and I dd a tacoma and my wife drives an expy.


                  • #69
                    dd 98 4x4 expedition
                    street car on slicks 88 5.0 coupe
                    weekend getaway 05 R1


                    • #70
                      Joined stangs back in the day mainly for the parts forum, but got lured into the back porch. I've had a stang since 83 and would still visit this site if I didn't.


                      • #71
                        I have not been without at least one DD mustang since 1994 . I curently switch between my 2000 GT , 86 vert fox and my 95 Bronco . My wife drives a 11 Focus and the 2000 GT when she wants . I currently owne 9 vehicles and they are all blue ovals .
                        Big Rooster Racing


                        • #72

                          truck- exhaust, wheels, stereo.
                          mustang- s-trim, exhaust, forged h/c/i motor in the works.


                          • #73
                            Used to have an 06 GT. Currently carless. I live the miserable life of occasionally driving (and paying for) my wife's car.

                            But at least I never have to drive to work.


                            • #74
                              I'm 30, have owned a Mustang since I was 15. Mustang runs, but barely, no real plans for it at the moment.

                              Drive an Acura and ride motorcycles. This year I've ridden more than I've driven, but that's probably about to change as I'm trying to get a different job where my appearance will have to be professional. Showing up in jeans and a sweaty t-shirt won't cut it.
                              US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by dumpycapri85 View Post
                                I. I currently owne 9 vehicles and they are all blue ovals .
                                Only 9? Lightweight.

