I always let mine go into the next month after it expires too. That's payback for the state backdating the registration expiration into the month prior to the month in which a vehicle is actually titled/registered.
Yea, that shit pisses me off. I bought my truck in mid January and I got a December registration.....
I always let mine go into the next month after it expires too. That's payback for the state backdating the registration expiration into the month prior to the month in which a vehicle is actually titled/registered.
I hate that shit. Several years ago seemed like mine was backdated several months on my Mustang. "Well sir you basically got free registration for the last 3-4 months while it was expired" - Registration for what? The car was in the garage with no motor, tranny, or rear end...I hate the gov't.
I think in some cities they give you a window to do your inspection and if you do it and it passes you bring the paper showing it passed to the courts before the window expires they usually waive it
Los Angeles Rams 11-5
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Ask for a jury trial and don't back down. When I lived there I was called for jury duty and everyone wanted to give a $1 fine. I have also seen the juries there give out $1 fines before that.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.