Originally posted by bcoop
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And no Brent I'm not high to answer your much earlier question, but I do realize that I need to start gauging for advice from my guy friends on how men handle things.
Simply put, those that agree the boy should have responsibility for this were more than likely also raised that if you're told to do something you'd better damn well do it. After you've been given that responsibility, you'd better not have to be told to do it again or it's your ass.
I have met Mandy and she's a sweetheart....NOT a hardass so I doubt living with her is like living with GI Jane from a childs stand point. That being said, it's wrong to put this solely on the kid when there's no clear lines drawn in the sand for him to see before hand the magnitude a responsibility like this brings with it.
My kids do their chores and each have their own animal to care for. I check everyday to make sure their chore lists were done and their animal upkeep was also done. I NEVER do their stuff for them. That shows them/teaches them NOTHING. This situation wouldn't happen at my house because I unfortunately, have had to be judge/jury/executioner for so long that my kids know I don't fuck around. They know it'll be their ass in a New York minute, so just the idea of NOT doing what they've been told, scares them straight. At least it still works for now.
I am going to speed dial you and Paul for the what to do to teach tough lessons a young man needs. I won't question it, I'll just do it. Lord knows I do NOT want to raise pansies
