Sheeee-it, dem ty-foons be named fo chinese peeps. Deez caracka-ass hurracanes juss tryin to keep the black man down.
SJ-L (I won't do that retarded crackhead the honor of spelling out her name) was probably thrilled when the evacuees started rolling into that shit-hole. Mo voters, yo!
"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
Try googling the story, when you type in "Sheila Jackson Lee" Google's FIRST auto populate is "Sheila Jackson Lee stupid quotes"...That's pretty bad when your first google result is stupid quotes....
......My reality, as a black man, is that truthfully I can't stand ignorant-ass slave talk like that. Being "Black" has never meant being ignorant, especially in the 21st Century.