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Advice for first time internet user?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
    I hear this debate with a few of my friends every so often and until last spring I was always a supporter of Windows (insert version here) along with a good anti-virus program and malware/spyware program along with frequent and regular updates. After the frequent Apple commercials talking about how much better a Mac was....I had to disprove that myth so I could laugh off the occasional friend who told ME I should get a I picked up a used Macbook on Craigslist so I could find out for myself. After about 1 week of looking up "how to do xxxxxx with mac" on Google and just playing with the computer...I began to understand what all the fuss is about. Mac's are just easy to use...they dont bother you with all the anti-virus updates, OS updates, popup ads, OS crashes, Malware, etc, etc, etc. You push the power button and the computer is fully booted and ready to go within about 30 seconds (the new I5 and I7 Macs are even faster). They just WORK. People who usually badmouth them are usually people who don't want to take the time to learn how to use them...going from Windows to Mac is a learning experience...but one I am happy to say I took. I have also converted several friends and family members in the short time of a year to dump their windows computers and go Mac...and they are MUCH happier with them than their old Windows computers...and I dont get called anymore to fix their shit from viruses and malware.
    Coming from someone who use to have experience with malicious software from a unique end... the reason why Macs seem like the best thing ever to most mac users is because people who write malicious content don't waste time on 5-8% of all home computer users (mac users). So, don't think it's more secure - malcoders just don't want to waste the time attacking such a small percentage.

    When I worked as an artist for game companies - they would usually have a Mac sitting on my desk also. My experience with an industry perspective is you can't trust them - I always had freezing and crashing from those systems under heavy loads. All they are now is an intel PC with a mac OS on them.
    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


    • #32
      Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
      Coming from someone who use to have experience with malicious software from a unique end... the reason why Macs seem like the best thing ever to most mac users is because people who write malicious content don't waste time on 5-8% of all home computer users (mac users). So, don't think it's more secure - malcoders just don't want to waste the time attacking such a small percentage.

      When I worked as an artist for game companies - they would usually have a Mac sitting on my desk also. My experience with an industry perspective is you can't trust them - I always had freezing and crashing from those systems under heavy loads. All they are now is an intel PC with a mac OS on them.
      Oh I'm well aware of the reasons why Macs are more secure...and if I am only 5% of the market and my Mac does what I need it to do...faster, with less hassle and frustration, and with less risk than a Windows computer...I am happy with being 5%. For the average person who surfs the net, looks at youtube, or wants to type a paper on openoffice, burn a music CD or MP3 disc, view photos from a camera, and generally not have to deal with all the Microsoft, malware, and virus bullshit...Mac is a better option. If you like having to do daily OS updates, daily virus updates and scans (and still wonder if something got thru your firewall, antivirus, and malware programs) and sluggish performance of the typical windows computer...then by all means...use windows and be happy.

