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Advice for first time internet user?

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  • #16
    I would personally make an image of that machine before he ever got on the internet. Fuck reloading. reimaging is what I do with my moms. Drag her files off to an external.. shoot the image back on in about 15 minutes and she is good to go within 20.

    I went through this with my mom and I hated it SOOOOO much.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Hobie View Post
      Any other ideas?
      Ubuntu Linux. For the basic user only wanting to look at that internet thing...its about as immune to malware and viruses as a computer can get.


      • #18
        I hate to say it as well, but an iPad would probably be a good choice. My parents know the basics when it comes to a computer, but they don't have one at home and I'm seriously considering a 3G iPad. It is so simple to use, and all they need is the Internet, email, and I think they would like some of the games.

        If you do go with a windows setup, lock it down, do not let him run in admin, that will prevent a lot of issues.


        • #19
          Originally posted by 94form2000z View Post
          I would personally make an image of that machine before he ever got on the internet. Fuck reloading. reimaging is what I do with my moms. Drag her files off to an external.. shoot the image back on in about 15 minutes and she is good to go within 20.

          I went through this with my mom and I hated it SOOOOO much.
          yep same here!!!

          Hobie make him a member here! he'll like us


          • #20
            I have to fix atleast 5 viruses a year because my mom clicked some dumb shit on facebook. :|


            • #21
              Originally posted by scootro View Post
              yep same here!!!

              Hobie make him a member here! he'll like us
              I'm trying to get him on a couple forums related to his work and hobbies, but right now just checking emails has been a real motherfucker.
              US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


              • #22
                Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                I'm trying to get him on a couple forums related to his work and hobbies, but right now just checking emails has been a real motherfucker.
                after reading this thread and your responses...I bet you relate to your sig photo alot more now.


                • #23
                  Put him on a limited user account for ANY internet use and leave teh default acct for updates and software installs.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                    Get him a Mac.
                    Yup. I totally dig Windows7, but when it comes to those with little or no web experience, a Mac is the ONLY way to go.

                    I've wasted several days worth of my time giving my Mom, Dad, and Grandparents tech support for WinXP. I told them all that they will be on their own if their next computer purchase isn't a Mac. Mom got the message. A new iMac and iPad and I'm free. Just one call to help her set them up.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 90GT50 View Post
                      I have to fix atleast 5 viruses a year because my mom clicked some dumb shit on facebook. :|


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by 90GT50 View Post
                        I have to fix atleast 5 viruses a year because my mom clicked some dumb shit on facebook. :|


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                          "hallelujah! holy shit, where is the tylenol!" - C. Griswald
                          My favorite movie quote ever!
                          Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                          Even more mind boggling, dont you dare try to doubleclick cause their monitor will turn into a damn etch-sketch of icons.
                          That had me rolling! Bwahahaha!
                          Token Split Tail

                          Originally posted by slow99
                 favorite female poster strikes again.
                          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                          You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                          • #28
                            For all of my family members that i "support" I have them installed with a client. It's free, so all i have to do is make sure they are online and I can login and fix or show them what they want to do. Much better than trying to do it blind.

                            If you want to protect his PC, get Deep Freeze. It's about 40 / year, but once you setup his PC and get it working, you freeze it. He can fuck it up 10 ways from tuesday, but all you need to do to fix is reboot it. If you want to make a change you can "thaw" and then refreeze. Easy as pie and completely defeats malware infections from doing any damage.


                            • #29
                              I hear this debate with a few of my friends every so often and until last spring I was always a supporter of Windows (insert version here) along with a good anti-virus program and malware/spyware program along with frequent and regular updates. After the frequent Apple commercials talking about how much better a Mac was....I had to disprove that myth so I could laugh off the occasional friend who told ME I should get a I picked up a used Macbook on Craigslist so I could find out for myself. After about 1 week of looking up "how to do xxxxxx with mac" on Google and just playing with the computer...I began to understand what all the fuss is about. Mac's are just easy to use...they dont bother you with all the anti-virus updates, OS updates, popup ads, OS crashes, Malware, etc, etc, etc. You push the power button and the computer is fully booted and ready to go within about 30 seconds (the new I5 and I7 Macs are even faster). They just WORK. People who usually badmouth them are usually people who don't want to take the time to learn how to use them...going from Windows to Mac is a learning experience...but one I am happy to say I took. I have also converted several friends and family members in the short time of a year to dump their windows computers and go Mac...and they are MUCH happier with them than their old Windows computers...and I dont get called anymore to fix their shit from viruses and malware.


                              • #30
                                I'm pretty sure my dad doesn't have an email account or ever used the internet.
                                "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson

