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Christmas tree lighting event for the kids

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  • Christmas tree lighting event for the kids

    class joke
    char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
    double Peas, Carrots;
    string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)

  • #2
    Tall tree = Check
    Short Rope = I am sure we could find something
    10 minutes tops and we could move on with out lives.

    I am not all that happy that the FBI strung him along up to the point to catch him in the act. How many of these operations have resulted in the subject being a step ahead of the feds and used them and their help to carryout their plan. "ooops he must have figured out on his own how to hook up the red wire the right way,.....(slowly back away and burn all the records)".

    The FBI is the government and after working with folks like them in other 3 letter agencies I have realized they are human too and as a result make mistakes. I would prefer they did not string fuckers along like that and would rather see them let the dude blow himself up at a remote site somewhere. "ooops how tragic, I guess he should have not been a fanatic (move on to the next crazy)".
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

