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President announces deal to boost fuel economy (lol)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by BP View Post
    Or why the Scion IQ is going to be $16k retail here but it's only 9,995 pounds in the UK!.
    Originally posted by Denny View Post
    What do they add onto it in England to make it weigh so much? LOL
    ISn't that roughly the same amount? What is the conversion rate right now?


    • #47
      I dont know why the auto manufacturers havent banded together and say "FUCK YOU AND YOUR GAS MILEAGE REQUIREMENTS!!"


      • #48
        Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
        I dont know why the auto manufacturers havent banded together and say "FUCK YOU AND YOUR GAS MILEAGE REQUIREMENTS!!"
        Duh, because if they say no, the government will just force it just like everything else. Everything with them is on a Voluntold basis.
        Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
        Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


        • #49
          Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
          Duh, because if they say no, the government will just force it just like everything else. Everything with them is on a Voluntold basis.
          If the manufacturers band together, the President cant make them do shit. They own the market in transportation in America. If they band together, threaten to hold production and come public about outrageous demands of the government that cannot be met... The US public would go crazy and Obama would be do a 180. The big 3 (and others) saying they will no longer sell vehicles in the US due to absurd expectations of the US government would cause hell and Obama woudlnt have a choice but to change his mind.


          • #50
            Lmao at legislating to help us or save us money.

            I stick to the to the real issue here, and it is that we still rely on an archaic and greatly exploited energy source. It's 2011, where's my car that's powered by ketchup packets from jack-in-the-box? Seriously?

            IMO We need an alternative to gasoline. We need to create it here in America, and produce it for the world. If the automakers are not at the forefront of this push in some way, we WILL get left behind. The sooner we can produce this marketplace, the sooner we will climb out of our holes, and into the 21st century.


            • #51
              Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
              ISn't that roughly the same amount? What is the conversion rate right now?
              Yeah but don't tell Americans that.


              • #52
                Originally posted by BP View Post
                Most 250cc scooters and bikes can barely hit the number. The little 50cc ones do no problem but they also can barely do 35 mph.
                I don't think there are any provisions for speed or hp.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                  Bronco Johnny or Slow99 would know A LOT more about this than me. I'm just an idiot trying to learn, but tighten up the margins on the futures traders and force them to warehouse what they trade, gas prices will certainly come down.

                  Rex Tillerson, the boss of ExxonMobil admitted last week that? the price of oil--based purely on supply and demand- should be in the $60 to $70 a barrel range. The reason it's above $100 a barrel, Tillerson? explained, is due to the oil majors using futures contracts to lock in [...]

                  I think the same guy said something similar to "it's easy to trade millions of barrels of oil if all you have to do is keep it on a piece of paper in your desk drawer."
                  This right here is exactly why oil prices are so high. It's essentially a shell game to artificially inflate the price of oil, so that everyone buying and selling can make more money.

                  I do agree that working towards a more efficient vehicle is a necessity though, as oil at this point is a very finite resource. We may not run out in our generation or the next, but it eventually will be gone. We aren't talking about a renewable resource like trees that grow back in 10 or 20 years, the oil in the earth took millions of years to be formed, and the human race will effectively deplete it in a few hundred years or less, if other energy sources aren't found and utilized.

                  I have by no means been transformed into a tree hugging liberal, I've driven gas guzzlers, and will have another one soon, but I've always realized this. I'm talking about simple math, we are using up a resource that is not being replenished, it's only a matter of time until it's gone.

