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Loving Colorado so far but sheesh!

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  • Loving Colorado so far but sheesh!

    My experience so far in Pueblo and Colorado Springs.

    Wish I would have moved here sooner. Though this is summer and not had my first winter experience yet, I love it here. I am in love with the natural beauty. Northeast Colorado Springs is so beautiful, I thought if I was to die, this is where I wanna be.

    Rains almost everyday in Colorado Springs. BTW, which is the most beautiful town I have seen so far. First thing I thought about when I saw Colorado Springs was the movie Dante's Peak. The thunder you hear over here has nothing on the Texas storms. The thunder has more of a crackling sound. Nothing intense about it. Pea size hail is common though.

    Haven't been up to Pikes Peak yet. My understanding is right now the base is 80-90 degrees and the top is in the 40's.

    Speed limit is 75 on the outside highways. Which is nice. But my brother-in-law got a ticket for doing 78 in a 75. I know (quit breaking the law ASSHOLE).

    Most houses here are two stories and the downstairs is underground. I love watching the storms form over the rocky's. I would take a picture of that but my cell phone takes poor quality pictures and never have the good camera on me when needed. The nights are cool (at least in the summer time .

    I have been here a month and it is hard to adjust to the air here. I don't know if it's thicker or thinner? It doesn't take much to get winded here at all. A simple walk around the block is exhausting. The water out of the sink is incredible. You can fill up a pitcher and just drink it all day long. Better than bottle water.

    I have yet to see real traffic here. Highways only have exits to main roads. You can not enter a shopping center or gas station from a highway. You have to turn off and enter from a side road. Which helps the flow of traffic from the highway but increases traffic on the small roads. BTW, when I say highway I am referring to inner city highways. Something like 380.

    Colorado Springs built all major roads in advance to 3 lanes both directions. They didn't wait till the population exceeded to the point of road congestion to expand. Almost every house is built with landscaping of some kind. Which makes all the neighborhoods nice. House and buildings on the mountain side is something I found hard to get use to. In Dallas I am so use to everything being right down the street and being cluttered. Not the case here in no means.

    Went on the Royal Gorge (water rafting) and must say that was an experience I would recommend to the thrill seekers. Expensive but worth it. My brother-in-law fell off once. The instructor went airborne and landed face first into someone's knee and busted her lip. I almost went overboard myself but let the paddle go and grabbed the girl(stranger) beside me to avoid go over. She had this look on her face that will never go away. And the water was cold. Felt like a bag of ice being dumped down your shirt and shorts.

    The first week visiting Colorado Springs, had never ending headaches. Ears wouldn't stop popping. Someone told me to take aspirin before I went there to thin out the blood to avoid the thick air and pressure. Which I didn't till I got the headaches of course.

    Mexican food here is nasty. Every 5 minutes you drive in the main cities you will see a fast food place called "Carls JR." They serve hamburgers and mexican food(not to bad, not good enough to be every where you go though). Seems like everything here has green chili. And most foods I eat out over here gives severe gas to me. I never had this problem with anything I ate till I got here. I am almost afraid to eat out. Cause the 4 hours after that in most cases are not worth it. When I say gas I am not referring to stinky farts for the record.

    Also, went to the Garden of the Gods. Watched people rock climb right in front of me. If you have never seen someone do that in person, it is intense experience. I had to turn away, I couldn't help but think they might slip and plunge to their death in front of me. As for the Garden. A lot of walking for a close up. Which really didn't seem worth it. Thank god that was free. I would have been pissed if I paid for that.

    And last but not least. THESE PEOPLE CAN'T DRIVE HERE WHAT-SO-EVER. They switch lanes as soon as the blinker goes on. They give you one second to slow down or switch lanes. If you do neither someone is getting side swiped. Also people will pull out in front of you. I know this doesn't sound like nothing new but it happens all the time. At least in Dallas it seemed rare to me. Every once in a while. But this is almost guaranteed to happen any where you go here.

    P.S. If you ever go north of Amarillo through Oklahoma and Colorado on 87/287 passing cities Stratford and Boise City to Lamar. Just be prepared for the most annoying roads built in a 2 hour drive. Impossible to explain almost. Not dips in the road, but the way it was designed every 20 feet seems to be an in-ground bump. But it went across the whole road. No way to avoid it. When you are moving all of your furniture and fragile belongings. This is not the way to go. One more thing. Fuck Uhaul and their 6.5 mpg truck.

  • #2
    gawd damn, maybe we should all just get together and make a wagon train to Colorado!

    Everyone is doing it.
    Last edited by mstng86; 07-29-2011, 07:51 AM.


    • #3
      Also saw 3 F-14 looking planes fly over slowly at Peterson Air Force Base. You think a 747 is loud, you haven't heard anything yet.


      • #4
        I had a bit of a quarter to third life crisis the other night and was not too far from hauling my ass up to the north side of Denver for more money and the chance to live so close to my favorite places on earth. Literally. I was on the phone w/ the guys up there who want me and I told them they had a good chance of having my resume in their inbox before 8am...

        It's a hell of a place (CO, WY, NW CA, north NM, etc). A lot of people enjoy the beach, but I am the exact opposite. I just got back from a week in Cabo and while I was there all I was really thinking about was my hiking trip coming up next month. I even sat on the balcony overlooking the Pacific and read a book that was centered around a guy's life in the Gila National Forest. It's my happy place.

        Did you move for work, or were you more the type who just moved to get there and let the details work themselves out later?


        • #5
          I used to live in Colorado Springs about 13 years ago. Dad was stationed on at Peterson and worked at Falcon AFB. The air is a lot thinner up there, less oxygen for given volume compared to TX so it seems "thicker". You get used to it though and don't notice it after a while. They have some bad-ass 4-wheel drive trails in and around the mountains that I highly recommend.

          Hope you like snow! Our first year there, it snowed a foot in Sept. And yes, they do not know how to drive at all!

          I miss hearing the jets fly over all the time..

          Enjoy your time up there! Go camping in the mountains if you get a chance.
          "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776


          • #6
            The air is thin, and those headaches are mild altitude sickness.

            I camp above 10k feet every summer in CO, and spend some time above 12k. I know what you mean about getting exhausted easily. It's exponentially worse if you're overweight like I am, but I still love that place like no other.

            Congrats on your move. I plan to get up there within a year or so. How's the job situation? Are you working for a company that's hiring, and if you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?

            Post pics!


            • #7
              I like visiting Colorado, but I don't wanna move back, grew up in Ft Collins.

              The water is great there, it's not toilet water like we get here that is "cleaned" to make it drinkable, plus it is COLD rightg outa the tap!


              • #8
                Drinking lots of water helped us a lot to stave off the headaches and such. Its the quickest way to add oxygen to your body.

                The Wal Mart there I want to say about near Cascade is one of the nicest I had ever seen and we didn't see any of the mouth breathers like you see around here.

                I never had any issue with the drivers. The tailgaters in big pickups all had Texas plates.

                I could see myself spending a lot of time at Garden of the Gods if I lived there. Lots to hike.

                It wasn't the food, but I never farted so constant in my life. I don't know why. It was getting to be a running joke.

                There is a badass army/navy surplus in Colorado City on the main strip you should check out. Can't miss it, there is an old jeep out front and across from a Mexican pottery place.
                Last edited by Frank; 07-29-2011, 08:51 AM. Reason: There is a badass army/navy surplus in Colorado City on the main strip you should check out.


                • #9
                  My dad used to ley me tag along when he went to CO fly fishing. I miss the mountains, and have thought about heading up there myself. My wife is not a snow or cold fan, so I don't see it being a real possibilty anytime soon. I have thought about buying a vacation home up there once I pay off my place here.
                  "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                  • #10
                    @ Jluv, My profession in Texas was being under payed by employers. Which made it hard to get back on the field. Unfortunately, my luck ran out and my wife and I found it in our best interest to move up here with my sister and start over. Right now, I am working at a low paying job that can barely support me with no bills.

                    Hey Frank I will check out that store when I get over there. Thanks for the tip.


                    • #11
                      was in Estes Park 2 weeks ago and it was incredible there, the view is 2nd to none. the water was rusty colored though at our cabin, the rivers looked cleaner but I didn't get a chance to drink it. I would move there in a heart beat if I had about $3.5 mil....the real estate is crazy high.


                      • #12
                        My company has talked about moving to the Springs. I personally would love it. I was stationed at Falcon from 92-96.

                        If you like to hike go to North Cheyenne canyon park. It's one of the most beautiful parks in the area. We used to rappel on the big cliff at the entrance.

                        It's always the damn Texas drivers that piss everyone off.


                        • #13
                          You moved to NE CSPGS? That is like Kansas!
                          We drove up Mt. Evan yesterday, that was a trip. It was 40* on the summit after the rain. I'm blown away by how green it is up here right now (Denver).

                          Hit me up if you need any Springs info (born there, have family there, spent a long time there)

                          Go to Senor Manuel's for Mexican. It is great. Keep in mind, it is a different style than Tex-mex, as in, it is real mexican food under the sonoran style.


                          • #14
                            Colorado is my #1 on my list when I finally snap and be done with Shithole Texas.

                            Probably another summer like this year will be enough, nothing like hanging around A/C all day instead of going out hiking, biking, etc...

                            This place doesn't float my boat, never has, never will. Only good thing about here is friends, family and cheaper living.


                            • #15
                              An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.

                              -Victor Hugo

