Man o man is it nice to be able to poop at will! LMAO!
Forbes came out and busted ass for 4 hours and kept me in stitches the whole time too. Man did we laugh and swap stories. Forbes, you are one cool dude.
So the leak.... ugh. It was under a foot from the brick facade in front of the house. No way to get to it or get a shovel in there so the decision was made to remove the front steps and knock the wall down. Main feed right before the house valve is where the break was and it was really gushing out. So we figured out what we needed and drove to town (20 miles) to get the parts and come back. Since the cement goes so far down for the old brick surround we decided to just run a new pipe over them. I will get a fake brick siding to cover it when funds clear and then put the steps back.
I am just so happy to have water again!
We went ahead and removed the old T fitting that had a previous repair job on it. All seems solid now.

So big thanks to forbes for the work and DFWM for the help with the water bill. I hope I am able to pay it forward.
Really everyone, thanks.
Forbes came out and busted ass for 4 hours and kept me in stitches the whole time too. Man did we laugh and swap stories. Forbes, you are one cool dude.
So the leak.... ugh. It was under a foot from the brick facade in front of the house. No way to get to it or get a shovel in there so the decision was made to remove the front steps and knock the wall down. Main feed right before the house valve is where the break was and it was really gushing out. So we figured out what we needed and drove to town (20 miles) to get the parts and come back. Since the cement goes so far down for the old brick surround we decided to just run a new pipe over them. I will get a fake brick siding to cover it when funds clear and then put the steps back.
I am just so happy to have water again!
We went ahead and removed the old T fitting that had a previous repair job on it. All seems solid now.

So big thanks to forbes for the work and DFWM for the help with the water bill. I hope I am able to pay it forward.
Really everyone, thanks.