I am amused right now. Once I was almost finished with evading ~8-9 years ago I was really comfortable with it. I would try different things, play around, look around etc.
I remember the first time I slowed down, turned around, and watched behind me. I was looking back down the tollway thinking "Jesus Christ, these people are going to get someone killed!"
While I know I was being chased and in the wrong, I was slipping through traffic easily without notice, but the officers chasing me were catching hell. I'm sure I probably unsettled people while ripping by. Then cops were trying to hustle through with lights and sirens further ruffling feathers. I noticed SEVERAL people swerving into the officers direction.
I remember looking back, cringing, thinking, "FUCK that's going to be close!"
Not sure what it is about that light bar, but it sure makes some people go DUMB.
I was getting older and growing up. I realized it wasn't all fun and games. I knew I would be held responsible if one of these jerk-offs hurt/killed someone by swerving in front of a cop chasing me. That's when I figured it wasn't worth it anymore.
X eleventybillion!!!
Nothing irritates me MORE then when I'm attempting to overtake a car and I have one in front of me who WON'T MOVE OVER. No matter how many siren changes, horn beeps, airhorn honks, people really do display the "deer in the headlights" errr, I mean "deer in the overheads" lol.
X eleventybillion!!!
Nothing irritates me MORE then when I'm attempting to overtake a car and I have one in front of me who WON'T MOVE OVER. No matter how many siren changes, horn beeps, airhorn honks, people really do display the "deer in the headlights" errr, I mean "deer in the overheads" lol.
Not sure anyone would really take a 42y/o seriously who was screaming about pointing a "gat at yo ass! So give it up smoove! Ain't no tellin' when I'm down fo a jack moove!"
When he passed me I had slowed to 60 maybe, he was doing probably double that so I didn't get a great look and wasn't wearing my contacts. No, it wasn't some hoodrat in an ex-police car. It was legit.
So I'm going pretty fast on my bike today, not fast for a bike, but well above the speed limit.
Notice a police cruiser in my mirror approaching FAST. Well shit, no red&blues yet, but I figure I should go ahead and move towards the right shoulder, then he breaks far left, and passes me hauling ass. No lights, no stop, no tickets, just kept on rolling by.
WTF - I'm totally confused, this never happens.
Not sure how fast a Crown Vic goes, but he was probably giving it all it had. Wasn't DPD, but one of the black hooded cars, Constable I think? When he passed me I had slowed to 60 maybe, he was doing probably double that so I didn't get a great look and wasn't wearing my contacts. No, it wasn't some hoodrat in an ex-police car. It was legit.
In my head I imagine this song;
Man...... This happened atleast 8 times to me on my drive to Florida and it scared the shit out of me everytime. I drove my Honda and would cruise a good 10-20 mph over the speed limit. I usually keep an eye out for cops but they seemed to sneak in. Anyways, I found myself several times looking in my rearview mirror going 80 in a 60 and seeing a cop, but no lights. I am thinking FUCK, I pull over right and they just kept on going. Atleast 8 times.... lol
On a side note, I did some riding this morning and a buddy got pulled over on his bike for running a red light (was yellow and distance was go or slam on breaks) but he didn't get a ticket.. lol
Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.
[QUOTE=347Mike;338835]Man...... This happened atleast 8 times to me on my drive to Florida and it scared the shit out of me everytime. I drove my Honda and would cruise a good 10-20 mph over the speed limit. I usually keep an eye out for cops but they seemed to sneak in. Anyways, I found myself several times looking in my rearview mirror going 80 in a 60 and seeing a cop, but no lights. I am thinking FUCK, I pull over right and they just kept on going. Atleast 8 times.... lol
That is pretty common in Fl. If they aren't running a trap you can get away with 15-20 over no problem as long as you aren't weaving thru traffic . I was amazed when I got poped here for like 4 over . A Fl. cop wouldn't waist his time for that .
On a side note, I did some riding this morning and a buddy got pulled over on his bike for running a red light (was yellow and distance was go or slam on breaks) but he didn't get a ticket.. lol
In Plano two guys that were together (in cars) got pulled over by two motorcycle cops.
One slams on his brakes for the yellow/red to stop and the other gets on the gas to make it.
Each MC cop pulled one of them over. They both got tickets, Damned if you do, damned if you don't, LOL.