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FTP thread of the day

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  • FTP thread of the day


    So I'm going pretty fast on my bike today, not fast for a bike, but well above the speed limit.

    Notice a police cruiser in my mirror approaching FAST. Well shit, no red&blues yet, but I figure I should go ahead and move towards the right shoulder, then he breaks far left, and passes me hauling ass. No lights, no stop, no tickets, just kept on rolling by.

    WTF - I'm totally confused, this never happens.

    Not sure how fast a Crown Vic goes, but he was probably giving it all it had. Wasn't DPD, but one of the black hooded cars, Constable I think? When he passed me I had slowed to 60 maybe, he was doing probably double that so I didn't get a great look and wasn't wearing my contacts. No, it wasn't some hoodrat in an ex-police car. It was legit.

    In my head I imagine this song;
    US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer

  • #2
    I always hear this song when I hear that song:
    (Beware of panties dropping)


    • #3
      Probably headed to a call, and wasn't running radar.


      • #4

        You always see in chase videos, "OMG the subject is traveling at 100mph!"

        100mph doesn't really seem to be fast anymore, IMO.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Skidmark View Post

          You always see in chase videos, "OMG the subject is traveling at 100mph!"

          100mph doesn't really seem to be fast anymore, IMO.
          Sure does seem sensational though.
          Originally posted by racrguy
          What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
          Originally posted by racrguy
          Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
            Sure does seem sensational though.
            I love the added in tire squealing sounds!


            • #7
              I love when you watch police chases involving sportbikes and high performance cars when its reported that the runner reached speeds of "over 100mph", when you see the helicopter videos of a bike pulling away from police cars that are doing "over 100" like their going know those bikes are doing 150-170.


              • #8
                The 2010 Crown Vic with the 4.6L tops out at 138mph.

                I have known some DPS cars with the 5.4L that smoked me going to assist another trooper once.


                • #9
                  G'Day Mate


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Big A View Post
                    Probably headed to a call, and wasn't running radar.
                    After he went by and got a ways ahead I bumped it up over 100 real quick. He was still going faster than me. If I was 10 years younger I would've caught him and paced him. Shit, if I was 10 years younger I would've kicked it down 3 gears and took off the moment I noticed him closing on me and disappeared.

                    Either way, he was in the HOV lane at that point hauling ass. I figured that I better not push my good fortune. I slowed down and lost sight of him.

                    I have no clue what procedure is, but I've noticed before that red&blues have seemed to make people drive like retards. You'll have a police car hustling through light-moderate traffic and some are oblivious, some get out of the way, and others swerve INTO the officer's way. Just based on a couple observations. I'm sure the officer's of this board would know better than me.

                    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                    Sure does seem sensational though.
                    Right, I've had this idea of making a short youtube documentary about how 100mph isn't all that fast, crazy, or any big deal.

                    Originally posted by MattB View Post
                    I love the added in tire squealing sounds!
                    Especially on dirt roads! lulz

                    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                    The 2010 Crown Vic with the 4.6L tops out at 138mph.

                    I have known some DPS cars with the 5.4L that smoked me going to assist another trooper once.
                    If they didn't have that big ass light bar they would certainly crack solidly into the 140s.

                    Geared down, street fightered, stunt bikes often can't even do that. Traffic is their only hope when they run.

                    Those guys talk about the chargers as being the ones with a high top end, but that might have something to do with where they generally pull their shenanigans as Chargers are all I notice in that area.
                    US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Grimpala View Post


                      Looooooooong way from NWA eh?
                      US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                        I have no clue what procedure is, but I've noticed before that red&blues have seemed to make people drive like retards. You'll have a police car hustling through light-moderate traffic and some are oblivious, some get out of the way, and others swerve INTO the officer's way. Just based on a couple observations. I'm sure the officer's of this board would know better than me.
                        So true it's not even funny.
                        "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
                        George Orwell


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Treadhead View Post
                          So true it's not even funny.
                          X a million.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            X a million.
                            X Infinity!
                            "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
                            George Orwell


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Treadhead View Post
                              X Infinity!
                              and beyond!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              first class white trash

