Fact.... I average about 45 dollars a month for NTTA.
If I didn't pay the 45 dollars, the admin fees would bee over 900 dollars.
Fuck them....
The admin fees are insane....
I average 120/month driving from Las Colinas to Plano daily for work, as well as weekend running around.
This whole moving to Austin and working from home thing gets better by the day. saving on tolls, gas money, vehicle maintenance, etc. And I'm getting a raise?
There are so many different branchs of the Goverment in some form & this is the BIG PROBLEM in AMERICA.
You have
Federal Goverment trying to get money
Other Forms of Goverment IE Tollways, School Districts,NTTA
Then you have all your everyday bills where they are nickle & diming you to death. LETS NOT FORGET OUR BANKS TOO! They are always charging some Fee for your account to keep it maintained.
Shit is out of control in this country & the problem is its out of control on every level in this country & Uncle Sam & the Banks & Corporations dont see it because Uncle Sam is getting his money on so many different levels EXAMPLE ABOVE...
This is another example in this thread of the grip getting tighter & tighter in this country & how the goverment IMO is nothing but a Huge Mafia!!!!
Except they dont kill you. They just take your house & take your money & if you dont pay they will soon want to lock you up
The difference is, if you don't like a bank, you can take your business elsewhere. With the NTTA, you can just not drive on their roads. Although, there is an opportunity cost to a road being in a certain location.
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
Let's see, if the average toll is let's say 1 dollar.
Each infraction gets a $25 fee added to it.
So out of that $1,000,000 they are "owed", that's only 38,461 ish violations, so really the amount of outstanding fees is closer to $40,000 dollars than it is 1 million.
Someone needs to out them on that. Just like the one person who owes $120,000, it's more like 4600 dollars he owes the NTTA.
Someone's been taking some upper-level math classes!
Well, in light of recent events, I have decided that I'm now not totally against them. I mean they're barely getting by, and all of those irresponsible users are just robbing them blind. Hopefully, them raising their tolls again for the 1000th time in the last few years will keep the shoes on the childrens' feet and bread and water on their tables.
There is one positive thing you can say about the toll road situation, it lets the people who are in a hurry and feel like they need the roads to pay for them rather than letting everyone pay for them. The alternative is to raise the gas tax and then we would all be paying for them. Of course, if the government didn't piss away half the money sent to them on useless shit, we wouldn't need either but I that goes without saying...
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
There is one positive thing you can say about the toll road situation, it lets the people who are in a hurry and feel like they need the roads to pay for them rather than letting everyone pay for them. The alternative is to raise the gas tax and then we would all be paying for them. Of course, if the government didn't piss away half the money sent to them on useless shit, we wouldn't need either but I that goes without saying...
That is all well and good, but what if the future roads are to be built as toll roads? The news reported that 360 south of I20 would not be built for 20 years unless it was built as a toll road.
Victor Vandergriff? Wonder if it the same one that was buddies with Vandergriff Honda's GM. He was driving a Acura "Demo" for a long time (Might still be). Ironic...
Anyone ever used one of these? Hell, I use a tollroad maybe twice a year, and avoid them at all costs, but would gladly spend $70 to keep $8 out of those fuckwads pockets.
When I was on the road all day and using the toll roads quite a bit, we made our own from computer privacy filters. Worked like champ!