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  • #31
    When I was a kid, I got my learners permit on the first day possible and was down at the DPS the minute they opened on my 16th birthday. I worked for my Dad driving him around the oilfield the whole summer I was 15, he would just go to sleep and let me drive a 1 ton dually down the highway lol.


    • #32
      Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
      so sowwy..


      • #33
        Originally posted by trailerparksuperstar View Post
        This is in no shape, form, or manner a criticism or FTP post, just a quick question. Do all cops have partners. You were on traffic duty with a partner... that seems wierd. I have never been pulled over by leo that had a partner with him. Was it in a dangerous part of the city?
        maybe he's an FTO?


        • #34
          Originally posted by trailerparksuperstar View Post
          This is in no shape, form, or manner a criticism or FTP post, just a quick question. Do all cops have partners. You were on traffic duty with a partner... that seems wierd. I have never been pulled over by leo that had a partner with him. Was it in a dangerous part of the city?
          I had been in warrants for just over two years. We did not use computers in the cars when working warrants and the PD changed to a whole new set up. We went from AS400 to a new windows based system. I rode around for a couple of weeks to get the hang of the new system. We ride two deep if we have enough people, or someone is in training, but the having enough people is rare. It is much safer but not real practical. Hows that? Lol
          Whos your Daddy?


          • #35
            Originally posted by kingjason View Post
            I really think 50 percent of the people that live in my city have no DL. I stopped 7 cars one day and one guy had a DL. What was shocking is that it was the little old hispanic man that spoke no English and he was my last stop. I didnt even write him a ticket and my partner and I laughed. The conversation went kinda like this. I stopped him and walked up to the window. He started with no abla english and his grandson translated, he handed me his DL and walking back to the car my partner said so what is this 7 in a row. I held up the guys DL and he said well shame on him for thinking that guy had no DL. LOL I told him no it was just one of them days.
            The grandson had to translate no habla english?
            Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
            Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


            • #36
              Originally posted by kingjason View Post
              Did I miss where you stated her age? Hell this story could have been from last year.
              She's 26.
              Originally posted by Frank View Post
              I can see it if you live in a city and there are plenty of mass transit or other options like cycling. I understand there are people that live in areas like Manhattan that might live their whole lives having never driven or owning a car.
              We lived in Chicago when we met, and that's where she entered the states and never needed to get a license because they have awesome public transit.


              • #37
                Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                The grandson had to translate no habla english?
                Translated the rest of what I was telling him.
                Whos your Daddy?

