Henry, how in the fuck does texting in a movie theater ruin your experience? Lol!
If you're in front of me with you 4" screen blazing playing on your facebook, i will throw whatever I can find at your dumb ass. If you're one row in front, I'll kindly ask you to take it outside if it's that important.
If you're in front of me with you 4" screen blazing playing on your facebook, i will throw whatever I can find at your dumb ass. If you're one row in front, I'll kindly ask you to take it outside if it's that important.
Perhaps you should try looking up at the screen, instead of what is going on a row or two in front of you? Maybe it's just me. But as long as it's on silent, I don't give two flying fucks what the person in front of me, next to me, or on the other side of the theatre is doing. I guess that makes too much sense for most, though. Someone texting on their phone, 4" screen or not, doesn't take a single fucking thing away from my movie experience.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
Perhaps you should try looking up at the screen, instead of what is going on a row or two in front of you? Maybe it's just me. But as long as it's on silent, I don't give two flying fucks what the person in front of me, next to me, or on the other side of the theatre is doing. I guess that makes too much sense for most, though. Someone texting on their phone, 4" screen or not, doesn't take a single fucking thing away from my movie experience.
Some people are just very conscious of what is going on around them. I notice it everytime the screens pop up in the dark. It doesn't bother me too much, unless it is on the entire movie, then I have a problem.
Some people are just very conscious of what is going on around them. I notice it everytime the screens pop up in the dark. It doesn't bother me too much, unless it is on the entire movie, then I have a problem.
Oh, I notice it. Then I go back to watching the movie and minding my own fucking business. I'm not wound so tight someone texting in a theater is going to keep me from seeing the movie, I guess. Coming from Adam, this surprises me. He's pretty damn laid back about, well, everything.
Henry, is just an old crotchety bastard that has something against cell phones to begin with. You want to get him going, mention a cell phone and he shoots off like a rocket. lol!
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
So who tickets the police officers for driving and texting...or worse...typing and staring at their 15" laptop while driving down the freeway at 75mph while swerving in and out of their lane. Don't ANYONE tell me it doesn't happen because I have seen it numerous times myself. Whats next...can't text while eating at a restaurant, can't text while riding the bus, when are they gonna outlaw cellphones in public? FUCK PHILADELPHIA!!!!
So who tickets the police officers for driving and texting...or worse...typing and staring at their 15" laptop while driving down the freeway at 75mph while swerving in and out of their lane. Don't ANYONE tell me it doesn't happen because I have seen it numerous times myself. Whats next...can't text while eating at a restaurant, can't text while riding the bus, when are they gonna outlaw cellphones in public? FUCK PHILADELPHIA!!!!
I say they promote it... then when the stupid ones walk out infront of a bus it thins the herd. Remember kids if you're too stupid to live, you'll die!
Originally posted by Nash B.
Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.