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to circumsize or not to circumsize

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  • #61
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    lol fail. Keeping those nerve endings does not make a person a one pump chump.
    Really? Making a penis more sensitive isn't gonna make him blow his load quicker?

    Let's look at it this way. What purpose does foreskin serve? None. What medical issues can it cause? Drastic ones.
    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


    • #62
      Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
      Really? Making a penis more sensitive isn't gonna make him blow his load quicker?

      Let's look at it this way. What purpose does foreskin serve? None. What medical issues can it cause? Drastic ones.
      If a guy knows how to control himself, it's a non-issue.

      I've already outlined one purpose for the foreskin. Another is to protect the head of the penis, preventing the head from "hardening" or keratinization, much like a callus on your hand but not to that extent.

      As far as the medical issues it can cause, do we remove the appendix shortly after birth because of the medical issues it can cause, or possibly removing ears and ear canals because of the medical issues they can cause? Hell, we should just cut out all the lymph nodes, liver, or brain, solely because of the medical issues they can cause.

      Why not leave the kid intact, and deal with the issues as they arise instead of barbarically cutting off parts that "aren't needed." I understand, and agree that there was a time where it was beneficial to circumcise, those days are over thanks to the marvels of modern technology. Do you have to teach your child one extra thing to do? Yep, but really, in the grand scheme of things it's a moot point.

      Start ideological statements

      And to all the people that say they'll do it just to "please the ladies." Do you really think you should be putting your dick in a woman that's worried about foreskin? If she's worried about something that small, do you want to run the risk of being stuck dealing with this broad for the rest of your life?

      Sure, it may be something new. Much like a guy, if she's looking to get fucked I'd be willing to bet the foreskin is the last thing on her mind.


      • #63
        Originally posted by racrguy View Post
        if she's looking to get fucked I'd be willing to bet the foreskin is the last thing on her mind.
        and if u have a condom on the ladies cant even tell

        Originally posted by DOHCTR
        You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


        • #64
          Originally posted by bonnie&clyde View Post
          and if u have a condom on the ladies cant even tell
          Blowjobs with condoms on, well, suck.


          • #65

            And to all the people that say they'll do it just to "please the ladies." Do you really think you should be putting your dick in a woman that's worried about foreskin? If she's worried about something that small, do you want to run the risk of being stuck dealing with this broad for the rest of your life?

            I don't want to bang an ugly or flat chested girl , why would I mind if she doesn't like an ugly dick . If a chick has a big meaty box (roast beef dangling)its gross to me also and will make me not wanna be there . Sorry to all you uncut guys but its ugly and gross and this is the opinion of most people as you can tell by this thred and the pole . I have talked to tons of chicks about this subject also and 98% think its nasty . It may not be a problem in modern times but thats just how most people feel .
            Big Rooster Racing


            • #66
              Wow, had no idea this would actually get people spun up a little. We chose to have our son trimmed, but who cares if you don't?
              Originally posted by MR EDD
              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


              • #67
                Originally posted by dumpycapri85 View Post

                I don't want to bang an ugly or flat chested girl , why would I mind if she doesn't like an ugly dick . If a chick has a big meaty box (roast beef dangling)its gross to me also and will make me not wanna be there . Sorry to all you uncut guys but its ugly and gross and this is the opinion of most people as you can tell by this thred and the pole . I have talked to tons of chicks about this subject also and 98% think its nasty . It may not be a problem in modern times but thats just how most people feel .
                Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                Wow, had no idea this would actually get people spun up a little. We chose to have our son trimmed, but who cares if you don't?
                I'm just saying that there's no reason other than personal choice to have it done, and it does in fact harm the child.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                  I'm just saying that there's no reason other than personal choice to have it done, and it does in fact harm the child.
                  I guess you could call it harm but after seeing what my sisters boy had to deal with vs how my son reacted I think its just a good idea . On the other hand if the dad is uncut and knows how to deal with it and instructs the child its all good . I did not have to deal with it so my son doesn't either .
                  Big Rooster Racing


                  • #69
                    Anyone with common sense, or at the least knowledge of how to use google can figure out the hygiene aspect of it.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      Anyone with common sense, or at the least knowledge of how to use google can figure out the hygiene aspect of it.
                      Check your pm's...

                      Carry on.


                      • #71
                        When was the last time you saw an uncircumsized dildo?
                        Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                        Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Big A View Post
                          Pardon my ignorance, but what mutilation are you talking about? I've never met a man that wouldn't go there due to aesthetics. Aside from having teeth it's free game.
                          Google female genital mutilation or female circumcision. It can range from taking just the "foreskin" of the clitoris all the way to removing the clitoris, labia minora, and sewing up the labia majora to allow for only the passage of menstrual fluids and urine. When you start researching the ideology on why they would want to do something like that, it strangely mirrors the reasons we give for male circumcision.

                          To be completely honest, I have a circumcised son and one that was left intact. My oldest suffered a botched circumcision and had several complications afterward.

                          My youngest was left intact and has been taught how to retract his foreskin and clean it properly. He's never had an issue with his junk.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                            Anyone with common sense, or at the least knowledge of how to use google can figure out the hygiene aspect of it.
                            This is true but its hard just to get kids to brush there teath the right way . Why bother with something that has such an easy fix and the possibility of so many problems is all I am saying . Lots of guys have em , lots don't , but the ones that don't never have to worry about it .
                            Big Rooster Racing


                            • #74
                              I just got circumcised over a week ago and I am 26 yrs was my choice due to the skin getting a bit tight and making it very uncomfortable during sex. Went to a Urologist and pretty much gave me my choices, he could give me some type of steroid ointment which means it could help me but could very well go back to the same shit later on, or just fix it for good and get it cut. Honestly it's not as bad as people think to get circumcised. To this day I have no pain, it's just very sensitive when it rubs against my boxers but that should go away in a few days once I'm used to it. To me the good things and bad about it are

                              No more tight skin that would sometimes tear during sex (this outweighs all the bad stuff about it)
                              Looks bigger (even my wife said it haha)
                              did not hurt to get it done (doctor gave some good medicine for any pain afterwards)
                              Time off from work and got the wife to do everything around the house for a week
                              Got some good time on the ps3 and whatever I felt like watching on TV(that might not mean a lot to some but when you have a 3 yr old daughter and a wife that want to watch different things except what you're watching, it was awesome)

                              Uncomfortable when it rubs against something
                              First week you take a piss it goes everywhere, guess cause of the head being a bit swollen
                              Looking at your penis all stitched up and thinking WTF!!!
                              Starting to walk normal then you are reminded of what's going on down there cause one of the stitches was barely pulled by your boxers and it made you freeze up in front of everyone
                              And the worst one of all, dreaming of you banging kim kardashian and vida guerra with your new awesome dick and getting an erection as you wake up....PAINFUL

                              This is what I've gone through so far. I still have to experience a bit more and we'll see if I made a good choice or not. The biggest question I have is how will it feel the first time it goes back to work.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                                Getting a dude circumcised is essentially the same as cutting off a chicks clit. Both are packed with thousands of nerve endings. As far as the cleanliness side of things, if you teach him how to wash his junk there shouldn't be any problems. It was beneficial about 100+ years ago when we didn't have the level of cleanliness as we do today. Modern advances in contraception and hygiene have rendered the need for circumcision nill, there are no health benefits to having it done that I know of.

