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Fan dies after falling at Rangers game

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  • #76
    Not that I am anyone but I agree with what Jared is saying but also see Aaron's point.

    The field is obviously prone to these types of accidents so instead of banning people from reaching out, put a higher post up. Then, once that happens, I am sure you will be having people climb them, though.

    I think it is a mix between what Jared and Aaron are both saying. I am sure when you have adrenaline pumping to catch a once in a life time catch you brain isn't 100% thinking about the what ifs.
    Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
    Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


    • #77
      I actually caught a home run during batting batting practice back at the old Arlington Stadium. I was at the field level last rail and I didn't have to move an inch, that ball came directly at me. I reached up and caught it with my glove. There wasn't a sound or movement or anything else going on in the entire world as that thing came towards me, except me and that ball.


      • #78
        Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
        The field is obviously prone to these types of accidents so instead of banning people from reaching out, put a higher post up. Then, once that happens, I am sure you will be having people climb them, though
        It's the 3rd time it's happened in 17 years. The ballpark averages well over 2 million attendance every season, so out of well over 35 million visits to the ballpark they've had exactly 3 people fall and one fatality. So out of every 10 million people that have walked through the turnstiles of the ball park one of them has fallen over a railing.

        Just some rough statistics based on the attendance and total falls, not fatalities: You are just as likely to die from falling airplane parts, 10x more likely to die from a lightning strike and are nearly as likely to win the state lottery.

        It's a tragedy but realistically you are way more likely to die from foodborne illnesses, choking, a robbery in the parking lot, an auto accident on the way to or from the stadium or from drowning in your own bath tub after the game than from falling over a railing.

        I agree that they should make it as safe as possible but freak accidents can't be prevented, no matter what barriers are put in place. The ballpark has already added a tarp over the area where he died and I'm sure they'll consider adding additional netting in some areas but it's still not going to stop the next person from falling over.


        • #79
          Originally posted by BP View Post
          It's the 3rd time it's happened in 17 years. The ballpark averages well over 2 million attendance every season, so out of well over 35 million visits to the ballpark they've had exactly 3 people fall and one fatality. So out of every 10 million people that have walked through the turnstiles of the ball park one of them has fallen over a railing.

          Just some rough statistics based on the attendance and total falls, not fatalities: You are just as likely to die from falling airplane parts, 10x more likely to die from a lightning strike and are nearly as likely to win the state lottery.

          It's a tragedy but realistically you are way more likely to die from foodborne illnesses, choking, a robbery in the parking lot, an auto accident on the way to or from the stadium or from drowning in your own bath tub after the game than from falling over a railing.

          I agree that they should make it as safe as possible but freak accidents can't be prevented, no matter what barriers are put in place. The ballpark has already added a tarp over the area where he died and I'm sure they'll consider adding additional netting in some areas but it's still not going to stop the next person from falling over.
          I think the percentages should be based on those who run the risk of falling ie someone who sits towards the top not the other 1.5 million who this doesn't apply to.

          I see what you're saying though.
          Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
          Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


          • #80
            Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
            I think the percentages should be based on those who run the risk of falling ie someone who sits towards the top not the other 1.5 million who this doesn't apply to.

            I see what you're saying though.
            Yeah I'm not doing that math! 1350+ games at the ball park though, at least 2k people sitting close enough to lean over a high railing at every game = 2.7 million potential fall victims. So far only one fatality, the odds are still pretty slim. There is no way to factor in how many people rush towards a foul ball from further away seats, it'd only skew the odds further.

            It doesn't matter if they put plexiglass walls up, made everyone wear harnesses, padded every ounce of concrete in the place and hired 5k more security guards to stand along the railing, freak accidents are still going to happen.

            Personally I usually get the hell out of the way when I see a ball or bat coming. If there are lots of kids or elderly folks around I'd jump in front and try to catch one but if everyone around me is able bodied I'm ducking. Plenty of balls for sale at the gift shop!


            • #81
              Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
              I think the percentages should be based on those who run the risk of falling ie someone who sits towards the top not the other 1.5 million who this doesn't apply to.
              The guy that fell yesterday was sitting on the lower level.
              Originally posted by Broncojohnny
              HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


              • #82
                Originally posted by That_Is_My_El_Camino View Post
                The guy that fell yesterday was sitting on the lower level.
                I also said someone who runs the risk of falling..
                Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by jluv View Post
                  Why is it that your only argument is to compare what I'm saying to really extreme and ridiculous scenarios? Don't you see how absurd that is? What would it hurt to add a couple of inches? If it saves one life and keeps the Rangers out of court then it's a win-win.
                  I really don't see the comparison as extreme at all, the only difference is the number of people involved, and the media spotlight. I guarantee that the number of people that have died attending a baseball game as compared to the numer of people that have attended a baseball game is FAR less in comparison to the number of people that have driven or fallen off of a mountain trail when compared to the number of people that vacation in the mountains. Or even the number of automobile accidents due to negligence in comparison to the number of drivers on the road.

                  What makes this accident different is that it's sensational, because it is so uncommon, that it was caught on tape, and that his son was present. The reason that it's so uncommon is that most people have enough sense to not go over the rail. We aren't talking about a simple "oops I stumbled because I wasn't paying attention," he intentionally got up on that rail, and had it been a few inches higher, he very well still would have gone over in an attempt to catch that ball.

                  Should we ban reverse in vehicles, or demand that every car is equipped with sensors on all sides (at the consumer's expense) because people run over their children? That happens alot more often than baseball fan deaths, and both are very tragic, but still the result of someone not being aware of their surroundings.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Big A View Post
                    I really don't see the comparison as extreme at all, the only difference is the number of people involved, and the media spotlight. I guarantee that the number of people that have died attending a baseball game as compared to the numer of people that have attended a baseball game is FAR less in comparison to the number of people that have driven or fallen off of a mountain trail when compared to the number of people that vacation in the mountains. Or even the number of automobile accidents due to negligence in comparison to the number of drivers on the road.

                    What makes this accident different is that it's sensational, because it is so uncommon, that it was caught on tape, and that his son was present. The reason that it's so uncommon is that most people have enough sense to not go over the rail. We aren't talking about a simple "oops I stumbled because I wasn't paying attention," he intentionally got up on that rail, and had it been a few inches higher, he very well still would have gone over in an attempt to catch that ball.

                    Should we ban reverse in vehicles, or demand that every car is equipped with sensors on all sides (at the consumer's expense) because people run over their children? That happens alot more often than baseball fan deaths, and both are very tragic, but still the result of someone not being aware of their surroundings.
                    i know there is a reaching too far joke to be said in here somewhere, but id feel like a complete dick if i posted it......


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                      i know there is a reaching too far joke to be said in here somewhere, but id feel like a complete dick if i posted it......
                      You just insinuated the joke, so welcome to dickdom.

                      It's not a reach at all, we live in a society where spanking your children will get you thrown in jail. I don't need the government or society to tell me what's right for my children anymore than I need them to protect me from going over a very obvious protective barrier. He didn't trip and fall over a foot high curb, he went over a waist high rail.

                      I'll say again, it was a very tragic accident that shouldn't have happened, and I feel horribly for his son and the rest of his family. The height of the rail is not was caused it though.


                      • #86
                        Hamilton got someone else last night while batting.

                        Foul ball on the third base side that just barely made it past the net. It was a screamer and it drilled a guy right in the face. We were a couple sections over behind the plate and I could hear the smack when it hit him. He had to get stitches around his eye at the ballpark.


                        • #87
                          Aaron, you've missed my point completely, and if you honestly don't realize that you're making off-the-wall comparisons, then as mentioned earlier, there is no use going in circles.

                          If the Rangers do absolutely nothing then it shows they agree with you. But wait... did someone say they have already changed some things to help prevent this?

                          Simple changes that have zero negative effect on anyone but might possibly save one life = 100% worth it. <-- my point.


                          • #88
                            Do the tickets say "Enter at your own risk?"


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by jluv View Post
                              Aaron, you've missed my point completely, and if you honestly don't realize that you're making off-the-wall comparisons, then as mentioned earlier, there is no use going in circles.

                              If the Rangers do absolutely nothing then it shows they agree with you. But wait... did someone say they have already changed some things to help prevent this?

                              Simple changes that have zero negative effect on anyone but might possibly save one life = 100% worth it. <-- my point.
                              I suppose that it depends on your definition of "negative effect," but to me having to pay for someone elses indiscretion is negative. Whether it be the ball club or ticket holders.

                              It's a cirrcular argument, because we are arguing different points. My point is that in this instance the only party to blame is the deceased. If the family were to sue and win anything, I will be sorely dissapointed in the jurors decision.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                                Hamilton got someone else last night while batting.

                                Foul ball on the third base side that just barely made it past the net. It was a screamer and it drilled a guy right in the face. We were a couple sections over behind the plate and I could hear the smack when it hit him. He had to get stitches around his eye at the ballpark.
                                lol.. Im sorry but thats funny...
                                Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
                                Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.

