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blood sugar levels....what's normal?

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  • #16
    Stereotypically normal blood sugars should say under 100. Normal range taught in school is 60-100. THey key will be to check your A1C or possibly a glucose tolerance test.

    If you are worried, you should check with your Dr.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SLVR04GT View Post
      Sickly how? Virus?Fever?Stress?Rundown? And as stated above how long between meals and what are you eating? There are a LOT of questions that come into play when dealing with BGLs. If your sick, your body could be working overtime and burning sugars to fight off illness.

      In addition, 7up, cookies, peanut butter, ect. will raise you BGL for a SHORT period of time, these are SIMPLE sugars and you need a "GOOD" meal.

      Like I said, many many factors.
      Here's my typical day and diet...

      wake at 5-5:30 and eat some oatmeal with blueberries, have a protein shake and go for a run. Usually no more than 2 miles in the a.m.

      When I get home, I shower, prepare for work, grab a vitamin shake and fruit... and head to work.

      I eat that either on the way, or within an hour of arrival. Mid way between breakfast and lunch, I'll have a handful of almonds and cranberries, or some similar type snack

      For lunch I eat a well balanced meal daily... usually some chicken breast, salad and unsweet tea followed up with some yogurt or applesauce

      Half way between lunch and end of day I'll have another snack like granola, apples and tuna, something...

      When I get off work, I grab a fruit from the fridge at the office and eat it on the way home with my daily bottle of water for the drive home.

      As soon as I get home, I'll cook a 4-5 course meal addressing all food groups accordingly, low carb, low fat. (I try to intake all my carbs during the day before 2pm)

      I don't consume any foods after 7pm. If I feel snacky, I'll have some vanilla soy milk and that curtails the temptation

      when I say feeling sickly, I feel shakey and weak like I've gone 2 days without food. I feel nauseaus, get jittery like I've had too much caffeine, and my legs/hands get real shakey too.

      does that explain anything better?
      Originally posted by Vertnut
      I'd run my junk through a waffle iron, if it makes you more "comfortable". LOL!


      • #18
        Originally posted by SLVR04GT View Post
        Yes, they are. And like I said, if this is a regularly happening (daily) and your health, life style, diet and other medications/medical history has not changed you should seek further medical advice.

        It's a new daily development. If I don't feel better by Monday, I'll go get more blood work taken. Just thought I'd throw my feelers out there to help me cope until the docs office opens
        Originally posted by Vertnut
        I'd run my junk through a waffle iron, if it makes you more "comfortable". LOL!


        • #19
          That is alot of fruit.

          You need to have a snack after 7 for sure.


          • #20
            Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
            (I try to intake all my carbs during the day before 2pm)
            High metabolism diet, plus the above...I'd say you don't have anything left when you wake up and its just adding up.

            Thats 10 or so hrs with no replenishment, and then you run it off and are trying to jump start your metabolism with the diet. THEN you are really limiting the "carbs"... It looks like its all getting burned away...

            This diet might need some tweeking.. IMO anyways..


            • #21
              Mine runs around 100. My mom is hypoglycemic and hers usually runs around 60-75, but I have seen it dip to 24 before. My grandma is diabetic and she is a moron that keeps her levels at a minimum of 180 and I have seen it at 350 before.


              • #22
                Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
                It's a new daily development. If I don't feel better by Monday, I'll go get more blood work taken. Just thought I'd throw my feelers out there to help me cope until the docs office opens
                Eat right/normal/unhealthy for a couple days, I'd be willing to bet this could re-align everything and its not going to kill the progress you've made if you MODERATE it. Speak with a dietitian about your intake, where you want to be and what happens with what you've BEEN doing. This could all probably save you a deductable or ride to the ER.


                • #23
                  Kim mine runs in the 50's too. I feel fine though so it's never been a problem. Doctor said it's different with different people, all depends on how you feel.
                  See you later...


                  • #24
                    My oldest son is hypoglycemic. It is easily controlled through diet. He eats small meals every few hours, mostly potien-based. If he goes too long without eating, he starts forgetting little things, making wrong decisions, not as responsive, etc. It bugged me for the longest time, thinking he was just a dumbass. Since the discovery, he has sharpened up all his senses and skills, his learning ability has taken off and just as a bonus slimed down because of increased metabolism from a healthier diet and several small meals. Win/win for him.

                    When not treated properly, he can get as bad as almost seizure-like dazes. We can tell quickly when he's not on his game. It's a night and day difference.

                    Hopefully Dave will chime in and throw out some other tips and cautions. I'm always reading his theories because not every doctor will be a straight shooter and give you all aspects.


                    • #25
                      3-4000. Or at least after tomorrow.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                        3-4000. Or at least after tomorrow.
                        Sounds like you'll be eating MREs


                        • #27
                          Thanksgiving will be a challenge for sure.

                          I am going to try and stick with just some turkey and a little ham and as many greens as possible. No bread or desert, but we will see how that goes.

                          I have to watch this stuff too.


                          • #28
                            Under our Standards of Practices established by our Medical Director that we worked under at Rural Metro, normal is 60 - 100 mg/dL


                            • #29
                              The OP needs to post tits or GTFO!!!



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Mustangman_2000 View Post
                                Under our Standards of Practices established by our Medical Director that we worked under at Rural Metro, normal is 60 - 100 mg/dL
                                yep...thats what they have been preaching in nursing school. My fiance's endocrinologist agrees as well.

