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Should I complain?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by A+ View Post
    Well I'll be! I guess the owner was there. I talked to him, he didn't even go outside to look at it, just told one of his guys to pull it out back and they knocked it out like in 15min. No dirt no wrinkles no bubbles. His guys weren't too happy about it. They had to get up and work.
    Badass. If u do a job do it rite. No need for them to complain
    99 Mustang Project JSTA2V
    going from really slow to just alittle slow

    2013 Focus ST the daily cruising the 4 banger


    • #17
      how much does a tint job cost ? sorry, dont mean to hijack


      • #18
        Originally posted by Oreos_stang3 View Post
        Badass. If u do a job do it rite. No need for them to complain
        i just dont expect customer service to come out of Pleasant Grove. Didnt get service with a smile but at least i got service.
        Originally posted by FordMustangLove View Post
        how much does a tint job cost ? sorry, dont mean to hijack
        what IS the going rate for tint?


        • #19
          Tint prices vary depending upon what brand, line, and who is installing it, standing behind the warranty, etc.
          Cheap dyed films are cheap. Expensive ceramic films are expensive and worth it to some people. Better film blocks more heat energy. I would not try to get the cheapest tint job because it will usually be crap film that will turn purple, clear, or the adhesive will fail (bubbles) within a year or two AND it is not cheap to remove the film. Just pay a little more up front and get better tint.
          A closed shop will be a cleaner environment which will usually result in a cleaner job. If you go to a dedicated tint shop, it will be super clean. Any shop outside or with open bay doors or building sub boxes while tinting the car will result in a worse job.
          There are many brands of film and each brand may have 6 or so different kinds of film. There are tint forums as well.


          • #20
            Good info. thanks! I just went there cause it was close.


            • #21
              lemme guess, southwest side of bruton & prairie creek next to the church's chicken?


              • #22
                Originally posted by grove rat View Post
                lemme guess, southwest side of bruton & prairie creek next to the church's chicken?
                Lake June & to churches


                • #23
                  Originally posted by A+ View Post
                  Lake June & to churches
                  Haha, I know what place you are talking about.

                  What the heck made you think they would do a good job?

                  Technically that is still Mesquite I think.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                    Technically that is still Mesquite I think.
                    ughh, what you been smoking?!

                    that's the heart of pleasant grove


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by grove rat View Post
                      ughh, what you been smoking?!

                      that's the heart of pleasant grove
                      you are right. i was thinking of Lake June and Hickory tree for some reason.

                      I still feel sad everytime I drive over there. All the beer joints really make it look like bad down there.


                      • #26
                        i didnt know where else to go and i needed tint and yes, it is the heart of the grove. im really starting to hate going down there. i had no problem when i was growing up, walking the streets and what not....maybe im stuck up


                        • #27
                          Man, I've never not had a spec or two of trash in my tint, and I've had it done by 5 different people over the years.

                          My biggest problem is the one guy who is supposedly the best in my area won't tint anything other than 35% on the front glass.

                          I've found the bubbles show much worse on 5% tint than the lighter colors. I've never had less than 5%, even doubled up on it once in high school.

                          I had a great guy that did the tint on many vehicles over the years who retired to take a desk job. Now I can't get my windshield tinted because no one will do it. 50% on the front glass is the way to go. I even did 35% once and it was nice until you went somewhere pitch black.


                          • #28
                            ^i decided that when i redo my tint on my daily i'm gonna get the windshield tinted w/50%

                            i went the cheap route the first time but i will get the better stuff next time


                            • #29
                     tinted your windshield?


                              • #30
                                i have known a few people that have put a light tint on their windshield and it makes a BIG difference

                                and as long as it is not that dark it doesn't hamper night driving

