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Score one for the little guy

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 78X View Post
    Wait- you make $200,000 annually and took all this time to bitch over $700?
    he can use those 700 Franks on some strippers or something...


    • #17
      I drive mine to the appraisers office when I dispute it and hand it personally. I'd advise everyone take th etime to do it
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #18
        Originally posted by STRONGNUFF View Post
        Our's went up $55k, I sent the protest letter back, guess what? I get a letter saying that they did not get it by the fucking deadline even though I sent it out 9 days early. I call over there and they dont give a shit, told me it was late and thats that. Next year I'm sending it certified mail
        I'd recommend anything you send to the state is sent certified mail return receipt.


        • #19
          i drove to tax office and did the informal dispute, got 6k knocked off which isn't a ton but every little thing helps i guess


          • #20
            They usually build an extra 5-10% into their number so they can drop it that much without much thought.
            Originally posted by racrguy
            What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
            Originally posted by racrguy
            Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


            • #21
              Originally posted by jw33 View Post
              Don't you make a million dollars a year?
              No shit, chump change for a union baller who got his back raises.


              • #22
                I did that 3 years in a row. I got the same thing about going before the board if I felt I needed a bigger cut. I am convinced they raise all values and only a few people take the time to complain. They put some $ 10.00 guy in charge of listening to complaints and allow him to drop the values up to a certain amount knowing that no person wants to go before the board. Face those pricks on the board, and you can bet on a RAISED valuation. Ninety per cent of the people just bitch and pay the bill. If you have a mortgage it's folded in with the payment and you hardly notice it. That is why they do it. If your place is paid for, you see the whole tax amount in one place and get to write one check. That will "Bring The Milk Down".


                • #23
                  Shit we got a letter stating they were raising our tax role by 12k!! My wife went in to contest it, and they would only lower it 3k... Said reason we there was a house in my community with the same floor plan and sq footage as ours that sold at the higher price. Although according to the comps, our house was worth about 6k less then the new tax role.. I was pissed!


                  • #24
                    Do only people who know they won't be selling their property do this? Could getting a lower tax appraisal now hurt resale in a couple years?
                    US Politics in three words - Divide and Conquer


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Hobie View Post
                      Do only people who know they won't be selling their property do this? Could getting a lower tax appraisal now hurt resale in a couple years?
                      Only if you have a truly OCD buyer that looks at all of that. No one I know puts much stock in the tax value assigned by the appraisal district. And unless you're planning to sell that year I wouldn't worry about it. Odds are it will go up the next year and you just don't fight it if you're worried someone might think less of the home.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by 78X View Post
                        Wait- you make $200,000 annually and took all this time to bitch over $700?
                        Are you constantly struggling for money?


                        • #27
                          We did it in Tarrant County. The main thing is to get the hearing set. Take in relevant comps. We had a five minute hearing and dropped our taxable value $30k

