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Planning a trip to Colorado Springs. Advice appreciated

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  • #16
    I have done Colorado Springs to Irving in 12 hours. Leave at 7am get in 7pm. We get sun up out here around 6am and sun stays up till after 8, so it would be all day time driving. If you want to split it up, then Amarillo is the largest city near the halfway point. Not sure where to stay for cheap, if you find a hotel I can tell you if it's a friendly area or not. I was at the Cheyenne Mtn Zoo during the winter and it was under some heavy construction, all plants were dead, and I thought it sucked. Hopefully everything is done for summer but not sure, might want to give them a call. Manitou Springs is a nice area, has an old town feel to it, you pass through it to get to the Cog Railroad. There is the Denver Aquarium about an hour away, haven't been yet, but you could see downtown Dever while you're there, 16th St is cool. If anyone in your family is going to do physical things be careful for acute mountain sickness, especially while up at Pikes Peak.
    De Oppresso Liber.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Frank View Post
      We have decided on a roadtrip to Colorado Springs this next month sometime and I am planning the trip. We'll be traveling with a 4 & 5 yo and no, we don't have DVD players in the van.

      I was thinking Amarillo was prob the 1/2 point. About 7 hours from Dallas? Besides Cadillac Ranch or the Big Texan, is there anything to see between Dallas and there or between Amarillo and Colorado Springs?

      What about lodging in Colorado Springs? We will be there about a week. A simple cabin of our own might be cool. What are the best options on a budget?
      I just got home from Southwest Colorado. I took my 4 year old. We just drove 13.5 hours straight home. This is THE best $60 I have ever invested.

      my daughter had about 10-15 dvd's and she watched them all the way up there, and all the way back. Your longest stretch will be DFW to Amarillo. Once you get to Dumas it's pretty easy sailing. (at least in my opinion with stuff to look at, keep you interested while driving, etc)

      We didn't see much worth stopping for from DFW to Clayton, NM. Past Clayton is Capulin Volcano that you can drive to the top and view which was pretty cool. Raton was a neat town we stopped and ate at a diner downtown.

      Once you get into Colorado the speed limit is 75 so you can do 85 easy and really make good time.

      we tried stopping at the historic markers when we could but we turned west at Walsenburg so nothing to say north of there but Im sure there is a ton to do in Colorado Springs. Id say go to Pike's Peak and ride the Cog Train.


      • #18
        We are still going back and forth about renting a motor home for a week long Colorado trip. Our only issue is we would have to (want to) bring our two boxers. No kids, just my wife and I and my parents so they will be on dog duty while I drive.

        How are most of the places about pets since pretty much everything is outdoors. For attractions that aren't we were planning on crating the animals in the motorhome.
        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


        • #19
          Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
          We are still going back and forth about renting a motor home for a week long Colorado trip. Our only issue is we would have to (want to) bring our two boxers. No kids, just my wife and I and my parents so they will be on dog duty while I drive.

          How are most of the places about pets since pretty much everything is outdoors. For attractions that aren't we were planning on crating the animals in the motorhome.
          we rented a motorhome and took our dogs. All the RV parks we went to allowed pets, they just had to be on a leash. If I were you Id take your dogs, it was a great time, and most folks in the RV parks had their dogs with them too.


          • #20
            Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
            We are still going back and forth about renting a motor home for a week long Colorado trip. Our only issue is we would have to (want to) bring our two boxers. No kids, just my wife and I and my parents so they will be on dog duty while I drive.

            How are most of the places about pets since pretty much everything is outdoors. For attractions that aren't we were planning on crating the animals in the motorhome.
            Good lord. I have some friends with two boxers and after camping with them, I'd take two kids any day. LOL


            • #21
              Originally posted by Frank View Post
              Good lord. I have some friends with two boxers and after camping with them, I'd take two kids any day. LOL
              My oldest (3yrs) is pretty calm. My youngest is a ham but she is still a puppy. She has good manners if you addressing her but left to her own she can be a little rowdy. Once you have her attention or the leash is on it is like quiet time.

              Our only other concern will be giving them enough exercise everyday. We won't be able to just let them run loose in the back yard. I am sure if we are on some hikes they will be okay.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Yale View Post
                Clayton is gross, IMO. Too many nasty ass feed lots. When I was driving through, I just wanted to leave.
                What's a feedlot? You mean for feeding cattle?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Frank View Post
                  What's a feedlot? You mean for feeding cattle?
                  Yep. Clayton is vying for the 'cow shit capital of the world'. Outside of Lubbock, there aren't many towns more worthless than Clayton. Although I'll kiss the damn ground when I get there because it means I'm down with Texas.

                  I took the woman and kids up the volcano last year and it was ok. We walked down inside and saw several rattle snakes, so I turned around and went right back out. Oddly enough, I've been driving past that place for 30+ years and finally decided to stop.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Frank View Post
                    What's a feedlot? You mean for feeding cattle?
                    Frank, there is also a place to eat that I highly recommend. It's called the Ivy Cottage & Tea Room. It's in Memphis TX, just about an hour before Amarillo, so it would make a nice lunch stop (closes at two though, I believe).

                    This place is an old antique store with a small restaurant in the back. The wife will love the antiques but the food is off the freaking charts. All hand/home made from scratch, and the desserts are just insane.

                    Look for it on the left side of 287 (in Memphis) just about when you think you're about to leave town. If you see the high school, you've just passed it. We stopped there on our way to NM a few weeks ago, and stopped again on our way back. She actually stayed open and waited for us when we told her that we were going to be running a little late.

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