You take a quick pit stop to fuel up and wanted to update your buddies on here?
YEAH, i got lost sometime in august and just now found cell service. i may make it there by Xmas, and then i have to head back a day later. wish me luck. FYI you never wanna get lost in the back woods of arkansas with out knowing the local dialect. "Youve got a pretty mouf boy" does not mean that they like your smile.
YEAH, i got lost sometime in august and just now found cell service. i may make it there by Xmas, and then i have to head back a day later. wish me luck. FYI you never wanna get lost in the back woods of arkansas with out knowing the local dialect. "Youve got a pretty mouf boy" does not mean that they like your smile.
I've made a trip from North Dakota, Ohio, Michigan and Indiana to DFW alone. Leave early, music, text, talk, light foods, take breaks, No party the night before, ect.....Man up you wuss!! lol