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Live bullets used in Wild West show

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  • Live bullets used in Wild West show


    Originally posted by AP

    updated 6/24/2011 9:04:47 PM ET

    PIERRE, S.D.— One of the participants in a
    mock Old West gun battle in South Dakota
    fired live ammunition instead of using blanks,
    wounding three tourists, authorities
    announced Friday.

    More than 100 people attended the show a
    week ago staged by the Dakota Wild Bunch re-
    enactors, who perform several times a week in
    Hill City, a tourist town in the Black Hills.

    Pennington County Sheriff Kevin Thom said
    information gathered by investigators will be
    given to state and federal prosecutors next
    week to determine whether criminal charges
    are filed.

    "What it boils down to is was it accidental or
    was it intentional. It would be premature to
    speculate on that at this point," Thom said. "I
    can say there was not a specific target in the
    crowd, if you will."

    A 49-year-old member of the re-enactor
    group fired four live rounds during the June
    17 show, Thom said. No phone listing could be
    found for the man.

    The bullets shattered a leg bone of Carrol
    Knutson, 65, of Birchwood, Minn.; hit the
    forearm and elbow of John Ellis, 48, an
    optometrist from South Connellsville, Penn.;
    and caused minor injuries to Jose Pruneda,
    53, of Alliance, Neb.

    There was no immediate comment from re-
    enactors. On its Facebook page, the group has
    said their members are not allowed to bring
    live rounds to performances.

    Knutson said she was glad to get confirmation
    from authorities that her leg wound was
    caused by a lead bullet. The hospital already
    had determined that a bullet had hit her, and
    lead residue was found in the wound, she said.

    Knutson said she is frustrated because the
    wound ended a family vacation early and will
    prevent her from doing many things this

    "It's a painful wound, so it's going to take a
    while to get back on my feet," she said. But she
    said she was relieved to know that the
    shooting wasn't done by some anonymous
    person in the audience.

    "I just wanted to know it was never going to
    happen again to anybody," she said.

    Ellis also has said doctors told him the injury
    to his arm and elbow was consistent with a
    regular gunshot wound.

    Officials from Hill City and the area Chamber
    of Commerce were not immediately available
    for comment late Friday. They have said the
    simulated gun battles have been suspended at
    least until the sheriff's department
    investigation ends.

    The mock shootouts between lawmen and
    outlaws have been held in Hill City for at least
    a couple of decades, and the Dakota Wild
    Bunch has been doing the show for about four
    years, officials have said.

    Thom said investigators from the sheriff's
    office, the Rapid City Police Department and
    the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
    Firearms and Explosives used information
    gathered in the investigation to recreate the
    shooting scene this week. They located three
    lead bullets in different locations and traced
    them to a .45-caliber handgun used in the
    mock shootout, he said.

    Four spent casings and two unfired cartridges
    with lead bullets were located near the scene
    Friday afternoon, the sheriff said. The gun, the
    casings and the bullets will be sent the state
    crime lab in Pierre for testing, he said.

  • #2


    • #3


      • #4
        Jes keepin' it real, yo!


        • #5
          Harry you're alive, and a horrible shot.


          • #6
            They wanted the full experience and they got it.


            • #7

              Now, that's what you call full audience participation.

              That cowboy is some serious doo doo.


              • #8
                What a tool.


                • #9
                  How ironic, I'm watching "The Crow" as we speak.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kanetrain View Post
                    How ironic, I'm watching "The Crow" as we speak.
                    i was thinking the same thing. he's damn lucky no one got killed.


                    • #11
                      But shesaid she was relieved to know that the
                      shooting wasn't done by some anonymous
                      person in the audience.
                      Yes that is far better...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                        Yes that is far better...
                        You are one dense motherfucker.


                        • #13
                          WestWorld redux......


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Taylor View Post
                            You are one dense motherfucker.
                            So it is better the live bullets were fired from a performer rather than a random person. Care to explain, or do you not get sarcasm?


                            • #15
                              So the guy missed all the stage actors he was shooting at and hit random people in the crowd. Niceeee.
                              Whos your Daddy?

