Let me start off by saying when it comes to paypal, you are GUILTY until proven INNOCENT. These guys have been nothing but dicks to me for something I know nothing about. So here's the story:
Two days ago, I receieved this email:
Dear Daniel,
What's the problem?
To help protect our members' accounts, we routinely review account
activity. When we reviewed your activity, we noticed that you have more
than one Personal account or more than one Premier or Business account. In
addition, we noticed one or more of the following other reasons to limit
your account and terminate our services:
• You provided us with information that we believe was false, inaccurate or
misleading information; or
• You sent or received funds that were potentially fraudulent; or
• You have more than one account with a negative balance; or
• You are in violation of the User Agreement, the Commercial Entity
Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy or another agreement you have with
Our decision was based on terms outlined in these agreements.
What to do next
Because of these issues, your account(s) has been permanently limited and
we can no longer offer our services to you. You will still be able to
log-in to see your transaction history for a limited time.
If you believe you've received this message in error you may appeal the
decision by contacting PayPal at the Help Center and clicking "Contact Us".
Please be prepared to provide one or all of the following pieces of
information; drivers' license, social security or tax ID card, current
utility bill, business license, articles of incorporation or other
identifying documentation.
If you don't appeal this decision within 14 days, we will use any positive
balance in your PayPal accounts to resolve any negative balance you have.
To protect against the risk of reversals like buyer complaints or
chargebacks, we will hold the funds in your account for up to 45 days. We
will use your account balance to pay for any reversals we receive against
your account. You'll receive an email within this time period advising you
that any balance in your account is available for withdrawal. Once you
receive this email, you can log into your account and click "Withdraw" at
the top of the page to receive your funds.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
Now we've all seen them... the emails asking you to login, with a link, etc. Scam emails... I assumed this was just that, but went to my account to check just to make sure. My account had a note on it saying that it was Limited. Clicked on the limited link, and it has the same email above... So I called Paypal, and asked what was going on. I was told that due to some transactions on one of my accounts, they were going to discontinue doing business with me. I asked why and what he was talking about, but he would tell me nothing. Just "We no longer want your business." I bitched and complained, asked for supervisors, Legal Dept address, etc. Finally he said he'd send it to his dispute department... Now before we go any further, I have used Paypal 4 times this year... 2 Charity donations, and I bought a bird cage cover and a phone case. Thats it. So he sends my case to disputes, and I am supposed to hear back within 24 hours.
Yesterday I get this email:
Dear Daniel,
To protect all members of our online community, we must part ways with you.
We've reviewed your PayPal account and determined there is excessive risk
involved in doing business with you. To minimize the disruption to your
business, you can continue to log in to your account for the next 180 days.
If you have a negative balance, please add money to your PayPal account. If
you choose not to add money and bring your balance to at least zero, we
reserve the right to collect the money through legal means.
Please go to the Resolution Center to resolve any outstanding buyer
complaints or chargebacks. If you would like to refund any of your buyers,
reply to this email with the transaction details. We'll send a refund on
your behalf using money from your PayPal balance.
Here's how to view the status of a buyer complaint:
1. Go to www.paypal.com and log in to your account.
2. Click 'Resolution Centre' near the top of the page.
3. Select 'Open Cases' from the drop-down list next to 'View.'
4. Click 'Status' next to the transaction.
After 180 days, we'll contact you with information on how to withdraw any
money in your PayPal account. You'll be able to transfer money to your bank
account or request a check. You can't withdraw it now because we want to
make sure that you have money in your account to cover any new payment
If you'd like more information about our policies, please read our User
Agreement. Click 'Legal Agreements' at the bottom of any PayPal page, and
then click 'User Agreement for PayPal Service.'
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
I call back, got a different guy who was actually pretty nice. I explained what was going on, and he informed me that someone using the email address: usacash4@hotmail.com created a paypal account with my name, address, etc. and used it for some kind of fraudulent activity on Etrade. He could not tell me what as it is against their privacy rules. But they are shutting down my paypal account and there is nothing that can be done. He sent it to disputes again, and I got this email this morning:
Hello Daniel,
We appreciate your interest in PayPal; however, our decision to leave your
account in a permanent limitation status is final.
PayPal reserves the right to limit access to any account reported to be
involved in possible fraudulent or high risk behavior. In the event of a
dispute, PayPal will seek to recover the funds from you by debiting your
PayPal balance and, if there are not sufficient funds in your PayPal
balance, PayPal reserves the right to collect your debt to PayPal by any
other legal means.
Due to the potential risk of chargebacks and other risks of funds
reversals, your balance will be held 180 days from the date the limitation
was originally placed on your account. At that time, any remaining funds
will be available for withdrawal.
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
Im in the process of filing a police report for the identity theft, and I put a fraud alert on my credit files, but Paypal is making me feel like a peice of shit for something I know nothing about. Refusing to do business with me, not even trying to confirm that I am who I am and had nothing to do with this other account etc.
This shit sucks.
Two days ago, I receieved this email:
Dear Daniel,
What's the problem?
To help protect our members' accounts, we routinely review account
activity. When we reviewed your activity, we noticed that you have more
than one Personal account or more than one Premier or Business account. In
addition, we noticed one or more of the following other reasons to limit
your account and terminate our services:
• You provided us with information that we believe was false, inaccurate or
misleading information; or
• You sent or received funds that were potentially fraudulent; or
• You have more than one account with a negative balance; or
• You are in violation of the User Agreement, the Commercial Entity
Agreement, the Acceptable Use Policy or another agreement you have with
Our decision was based on terms outlined in these agreements.
What to do next
Because of these issues, your account(s) has been permanently limited and
we can no longer offer our services to you. You will still be able to
log-in to see your transaction history for a limited time.
If you believe you've received this message in error you may appeal the
decision by contacting PayPal at the Help Center and clicking "Contact Us".
Please be prepared to provide one or all of the following pieces of
information; drivers' license, social security or tax ID card, current
utility bill, business license, articles of incorporation or other
identifying documentation.
If you don't appeal this decision within 14 days, we will use any positive
balance in your PayPal accounts to resolve any negative balance you have.
To protect against the risk of reversals like buyer complaints or
chargebacks, we will hold the funds in your account for up to 45 days. We
will use your account balance to pay for any reversals we receive against
your account. You'll receive an email within this time period advising you
that any balance in your account is available for withdrawal. Once you
receive this email, you can log into your account and click "Withdraw" at
the top of the page to receive your funds.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
Now we've all seen them... the emails asking you to login, with a link, etc. Scam emails... I assumed this was just that, but went to my account to check just to make sure. My account had a note on it saying that it was Limited. Clicked on the limited link, and it has the same email above... So I called Paypal, and asked what was going on. I was told that due to some transactions on one of my accounts, they were going to discontinue doing business with me. I asked why and what he was talking about, but he would tell me nothing. Just "We no longer want your business." I bitched and complained, asked for supervisors, Legal Dept address, etc. Finally he said he'd send it to his dispute department... Now before we go any further, I have used Paypal 4 times this year... 2 Charity donations, and I bought a bird cage cover and a phone case. Thats it. So he sends my case to disputes, and I am supposed to hear back within 24 hours.
Yesterday I get this email:
Dear Daniel,
To protect all members of our online community, we must part ways with you.
We've reviewed your PayPal account and determined there is excessive risk
involved in doing business with you. To minimize the disruption to your
business, you can continue to log in to your account for the next 180 days.
If you have a negative balance, please add money to your PayPal account. If
you choose not to add money and bring your balance to at least zero, we
reserve the right to collect the money through legal means.
Please go to the Resolution Center to resolve any outstanding buyer
complaints or chargebacks. If you would like to refund any of your buyers,
reply to this email with the transaction details. We'll send a refund on
your behalf using money from your PayPal balance.
Here's how to view the status of a buyer complaint:
1. Go to www.paypal.com and log in to your account.
2. Click 'Resolution Centre' near the top of the page.
3. Select 'Open Cases' from the drop-down list next to 'View.'
4. Click 'Status' next to the transaction.
After 180 days, we'll contact you with information on how to withdraw any
money in your PayPal account. You'll be able to transfer money to your bank
account or request a check. You can't withdraw it now because we want to
make sure that you have money in your account to cover any new payment
If you'd like more information about our policies, please read our User
Agreement. Click 'Legal Agreements' at the bottom of any PayPal page, and
then click 'User Agreement for PayPal Service.'
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
I call back, got a different guy who was actually pretty nice. I explained what was going on, and he informed me that someone using the email address: usacash4@hotmail.com created a paypal account with my name, address, etc. and used it for some kind of fraudulent activity on Etrade. He could not tell me what as it is against their privacy rules. But they are shutting down my paypal account and there is nothing that can be done. He sent it to disputes again, and I got this email this morning:
Hello Daniel,
We appreciate your interest in PayPal; however, our decision to leave your
account in a permanent limitation status is final.
PayPal reserves the right to limit access to any account reported to be
involved in possible fraudulent or high risk behavior. In the event of a
dispute, PayPal will seek to recover the funds from you by debiting your
PayPal balance and, if there are not sufficient funds in your PayPal
balance, PayPal reserves the right to collect your debt to PayPal by any
other legal means.
Due to the potential risk of chargebacks and other risks of funds
reversals, your balance will be held 180 days from the date the limitation
was originally placed on your account. At that time, any remaining funds
will be available for withdrawal.
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account
and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
Im in the process of filing a police report for the identity theft, and I put a fraud alert on my credit files, but Paypal is making me feel like a peice of shit for something I know nothing about. Refusing to do business with me, not even trying to confirm that I am who I am and had nothing to do with this other account etc.
This shit sucks.
