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Illegal Immigrants "Winning"...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by A+ View Post
    i know WAAAAAY more LEGAL Americans that do this. When people say "theyre taking all our jobs" are they just talking about manual labor or some other undesirable job?
    My father owned his own construction bussiness for 32 years. He only employed legal americans. He got put out of bussiness due to illegals. Illegals work for less, so they bid the jobs less (their quality is also way less) The financial aid is there for LEGAL citizens. So why not let them use it? They pay taxes....


    • #17
      I can see both sides but look at it this way. The more educated people there are in this country, the more they earn, the more taxes they pay, and the more that they can fund our retirement when we get there. Lol.

      But seriously, if they're here and going to school, I'm all for it. If they're here and breaking the law, lock them up. Think of all the people that were lucky enough to be born here and manipulate the system. (section 8 housing, Lone Star card, WIC, etc).

      So yeah, there's people that were born here who are more of a nuisance and a burden to our government that some that came here through other means. I'm not saying they didn't break the law but in many cases they're doing to provide a better life for their families. I say it's a "win-win" situation if they're here for the right reasons...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Danny46 View Post
        I'd rather they deport 100k Violent Criminals than 400K College student who may better America in the future. Some of them may take your jobs, some of them may take your hard earned money, but some of them also fight for your freedom. Right now. In Iraq, Afghanistan and who knows where. Some of them may have come here illegally, yet built a life for themselves and become successful Americans, helping the economny and having a love for this country that many who were born here take for granted. Where do you draw the line? "Illegal Immigration" has become such a bullshit catch phrase its ridiculous. Why dont we tackle the real problems. Instead of picking leaves off the branches tackle the whole tree. We can start with politicians, the constitution, spending, etc.
        Don't start that here. I have said this over and over again. I hate it when people say that they are fighting for our freedom. I am former military and no one is fighting for me to be free. I already am. They are fighting a war, one we probably shouldn't be fighting. After it is completed, we will not be anymore free. If we lost, we would not be a dictatorship.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
          My father owned his own construction bussiness for 32 years. He only employed legal americans. He got put out of bussiness due to illegals. Illegals work for less, so they bid the jobs less (their quality is also way less) The financial aid is there for LEGAL citizens. So why not let them use it? They pay taxes....
          i see..Well, if financial aid is here for legal citizens, we dont need to worry about ILLEGAL immigrants recieving any right? Sucks about your dad though. My dads has been in the business for years and he never tell me about illegal employment although i know it happens all the time. Maybe its the americans fault for hiring illegals? i worked construciton for 5 years and now that i think of it, my boss did hire some illegals to work for him. i also remember him calling ICE come pay day. Do these employers suffer any repercusions for hiring known illegals. i say start there and maybe they wont take up any good yobs


          • #20
            Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
            Don't start that here. I have said this over and over again. I hate it when people say that they are fighting for our freedom. I am former military and no one is fighting for me to be free. I already am. They are fighting a war, one we probably shouldn't be fighting. After it is completed, we will not be anymore free. If we lost, we would not be a dictatorship.
            Well that is digging deep into politics that have nothing to do with illegal immigrating. While I disagree with your logic on this, that is for a different time/thread.


            • #21
              Come on guys, we all know that the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the US are in college, pay taxes, and keep their earnings domestically so that we enjoy the multiplier effect and economic growth... oh wait.
              Originally posted by davbrucas
              I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

              Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

              You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Danny46 View Post
                Well that is digging deep into politics that have nothing to do with illegal immigrating. While I disagree with your logic on this, that is for a different time/thread.
                You are right. My view on that stems from a ways back. I have cousins currently in the military right now that use the fighting for freedom thing any chance they get. It is Bs. I support our troops. Most that are not ignorant know they are fighting for this country, but not for our freedom. Maybe Iraqs


                • #23
                  Originally posted by slow99 View Post
                  Come on guys, we all know that the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the US are in college, pay taxes, and keep their earnings domestically so that we enjoy the multiplier effect and economic growth... oh wait.
                  Haha yeah.... Problem is we are already over populated. Them popping out 8 babies is only hurting us for the long run. We will never have enough jobs for all these free loaders.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
                    Haha yeah.... Problem is we are already over populated. Them popping out 8 babies is only hurting us for the long run. We will never have enough jobs for all these free loaders.
                    Popping out 8 babies I agree on that issue. I dont see any other people wanting to do the work so i dont see the problem. I think we need to focus on bigger problems than illegal Mexicans. We need get rid of all the Indian people!! They are the ones taking our high paying jobs and milking the system,they just do it quietly.....
                    Big Rooster Racing
                    85' Coupe


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by carbd89sleeper View Post
                      Popping out 8 babies I agree on that issue. I dont see any other people wanting to do the work so i dont see the problem. I think we need to focus on bigger problems than illegal Mexicans. We need get rid of all the Indian people!! They are the ones taking our high paying jobs and milking the system,they just do it quietly.....
                      The arguement that they work jobs that we won't is beating a dead horse imo. They took my dads job as I said earlier and his employees. My dads best friend was a brick layer. He lost his as well and retired early and had to get rid of his 10 employees. Americans were doing the jobs before it got out of hand. We can do it now. Here is my view on it. Deport every Illegal. Make them all go through the legal chains to be here legally. The ones currently in our military get citizenship automatically. Make it where there is no longer an anchor baby system. Protect our borders. Done..


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by slow99 View Post
                        Come on guys, we all know that the vast majority of illegal immigrants in the US are in college, pay taxes, and keep their earnings domestically so that we enjoy the multiplier effect and economic growth... oh wait.
                        And they all stay in the US with those new degrees.


                        • #27
                          I dont knock the people for coming to Amercia to try & better their life. If I was born in Mexico Iwould be a Border Jumper too! I agree with focusing on people who want to better in this country vs people who use this country to get ahead by selling drugs & commiting crimes!
                          GOD BLESS TEXAS
                          August Landscaping
                          Seb's high class.
                          He'll mow your grass.
                          He'll kick your ass.
                          And while his kidney stones pass,
                          He'll piss in a glass!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
                            You are right. My view on that stems from a ways back. I have cousins currently in the military right now that use the fighting for freedom thing any chance they get. It is Bs. I support our troops. Most that are not ignorant know they are fighting for this country, but not for our freedom. Maybe Iraqs

                            You're right. Fighting for freedom/country = two different things. I mispoke.

                            I can see where you're coming from with your logic on it, especially with your father's business (which I feel for you on, no hardworking American should be put out of work). I just dont like the whole bandwagon mentality on the whole thing. Its a very "im gonna say what the other guy is saying" issue vice an issue that is actually producing thought provoking, intelligent ideas. Its easy to say, kick them all out and have them come in the right way, but it just isnt that easy or realistic, and never will be. If it were that easy we could apply that logic to tons of things in America and get this country back on track.


                            • #29
                              An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.

                              -Victor Hugo


                              • #30
                                They cant deport us all!
                                Originally posted by Da Prez
                                Fuck dfwstangs!! If Jose ain't running it, I won't even bother going back to it, just my two cents!!
                                Originally posted by VETTKLR

                                Cliff Notes: I can beat the fuck out of a ZR1

