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Hey, Morticia05GT.........

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    Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
    Solid barg
    only $63. got an important email and had to head back to the office.

    mad props matt. smoke is coming out of my abnormally large ears from reading that.

    god bless.

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  • davbrucas
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    Steve, I swear all you do is follow Steve around, poking and prodding at him. Do you just search the board for posts by Steve, then go in those threads making armbar jokes at Steve?

    It's really getting old Steve, and I think Steve and the rest of the board members are tired of this Steve on Steve bashing. Maybe you need to take a break from the internet Steve, and think about what you do here on a daily basis, Steve is a nice guy, and doesn't deserve the way you attack him. When you come back maybe you can PM Steve and you guys can go have a shitty In and Out burger together. Maybe Steve will even teach you how to put Steve in an armbar. Think about it Steve, the rest of us would appreciate it.
    More psychiatric gold!

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  • Steve
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    Steve, I swear all you do is follow Steve around, poking and prodding at him. Do you just search the board for posts by Steve, then go in those threads making armbar jokes at Steve?

    It's really getting old Steve, and I think Steve and the rest of the board members are tired of this Steve on Steve bashing. Maybe you need to take a break from the internet Steve, and think about what you do here on a daily basis, Steve is a nice guy, and doesn't deserve the way you attack him. When you come back maybe you can PM Steve and you guys can go have a shitty In and Out burger together. Maybe Steve will even teach you how to put Steve in an armbar. Think about it Steve, the rest of us would appreciate it.

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  • Mike
    Originally posted by Silverback View Post
    Steve, I swear all you do is follow Steve around, poking and prodding at him. Do you just search the board for posts by Steve, then go in those threads making armbar jokes at Steve?

    It's really getting old Steve, and I think Steve and the rest of the board members are tired of this Steve on Steve bashing. Maybe you need to take a break from the internet Steve, and think about what you do here on a daily basis, Steve is a nice guy, and doesn't deserve the way you attack him. When you come back maybe you can PM Steve and you guys can go have a shitty In and Out burger together. Maybe Steve will even teach you how to put Steve in an armbar. Think about it Steve, the rest of us would appreciate it.

    Top 5

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  • Mike
    I'm the real Chandra Saxton

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  • Silverback
    Originally posted by Steve View Post
    I highly suggest an armbar. (Can't beleive no one else made the joke first lol)
    Steve, I swear all you do is follow Steve around, poking and prodding at him. Do you just search the board for posts by Steve, then go in those threads making armbar jokes at Steve?

    It's really getting old Steve, and I think Steve and the rest of the board members are tired of this Steve on Steve bashing. Maybe you need to take a break from the internet Steve, and think about what you do here on a daily basis, Steve is a nice guy, and doesn't deserve the way you attack him. When you come back maybe you can PM Steve and you guys can go have a shitty In and Out burger together. Maybe Steve will even teach you how to put Steve in an armbar. Think about it Steve, the rest of us would appreciate it.

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  • Silverback
    Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
    who the hell would rip someone off for $150? my bar tab at lunch today will be more than that.

    god bless.
    What am I chopped liver?

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  • Steve
    I highly suggest an armbar. (Can't beleive no one else made the joke first lol)

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  • MutherjuggZ
    Originally posted by 4EyedTurd View Post
    Pull her hair and kick her in the cooch!
    I might even slap for good measure!

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  • Chili
    I just can't understand why she doesn't just pay the $150. If she is going to try and keep coming back that would be the easiest solution.

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  • 4EyedTurd
    Pull her hair and kick her in the cooch!

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  • Stunter Bob
    Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
    I'll go for that

    Do y'all want me to give her $10 bruises or a shit ton of $2 hits all over? Hell, how about a $50 shiner?

    We'll calculate the infliction of pain to a price, then let him shop it like the old school wheel of fortune until the $150 is all spent

    Horrible, yet I am still rolling over here knowing your coming up with a plan!

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  • MutherjuggZ
    Originally posted by Stunter Bob View Post
    We should all place bets, and when juggz wins, we give you 150 bucks and write it off and shes a deadbeat.
    I'll go for that

    Do y'all want me to give her $10 bruises or a shit ton of $2 hits all over? Hell, how about a $50 shiner?

    We'll calculate the infliction of pain to a price, then let him shop it like the old school wheel of fortune until the $150 is all spent

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  • 71chevellejohn
    Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
    I have no clue who the fuck you are, where you came from, or why you're still here but get the fuck out of here with your book of "101 excuses"

    There's not one good reason you could EVER give as to why it's okay to steal money. When you flat out decided it wasn't going to be paid back, it was stealing from that point forward.

    If you had done this to your best friend, I would expect that perhaps the best friend could find forgiveness and patch things up with you but why in the hell do you think ANYONE should give you a second thought when you've shown how you handle shit. You simply don't. You play this "I'm a girl" shit to the point it sickens me. SERIOUSLY

    I have a pussy too, bitch.... and it doesn't make me want to be anywhere near the level of worthlessness you've displayed around find another weak ass excuse for why it's okay to be a dishonest thieving cunt. Keep throwing the excuses out here like you've been doing and we'll continue to find failure in every single one of your excuses. WHY? Because there is NEVER GOING TO BE A GOOD EXCUSE TO JUSTIFYING STEALING
    Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
    WHY .... oh god WHY THE FUCK would you say such bullshit on the internet? If you were truly assaulted.... there's not a bone in your body that would be so dismissive about the whole act.

    Saying bullshit like this makes me want to kick your fucking throat until it completely closes off.

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  • Stunter Bob
    Originally posted by Swamp Donkey View Post
    We should all place bets, and when juggz wins, we give you 150 bucks and write it off and shes a deadbeat.

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