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Hey, Morticia05GT.........

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  • Beaterjuiced
    Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
    WHO in the fuck is this dumb bitch?

    P.S. I'd like to give thanks and praise to our dear sweet baby jesus, lord and savior for sheltering me from all this bitches dumbassery for so long. I just wonder what I did to piss him off to get exposed to this shit now.

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  • MutherjuggZ
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    kick her in the GUNT juggiez!!
    Women that lie about something so horrific deserve to be beaten black and blue

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  • MutherjuggZ

    WHO in the fuck is this dumb bitch?

    P.S. I'd like to give thanks and praise to our dear sweet baby jesus, lord and savior for sheltering me from all this bitches dumbassery for so long. I just wonder what I did to piss him off to get exposed to this shit now.

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  • mstng86
    kick her in the GUNT juggiez!!

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  • MutherjuggZ
    Originally posted by Morticia05GT View Post
    I have 2 meals a day... even if that. It consists of a small green salad and vinagar dressing... and a piece of grilled chicken or a piece of fish.

    I don't eat much... really I don't. but you can keep acting like 10th grade school kids... that's fine... I also have bad depression issues... because of not having a real father in my life and being raped as a kid. Bit I'm sure because of the low lives you are.... your going to make fun of that too.

    WHY .... oh god WHY THE FUCK would you say such bullshit on the internet? If you were truly assaulted.... there's not a bone in your body that would be so dismissive about the whole act.

    Saying bullshit like this makes me want to kick your fucking throat until it completely closes off.

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  • centexchick
    Originally posted by Stunter Bob View Post
    I got my money on juggz.
    Juggz and Leah......

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  • Stunter Bob
    Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
    I got my money on juggz.

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    Originally posted by MutherjuggZ View Post
    I have no clue who the fuck you are, where you came from, or why you're still here but get the fuck out of here with your book of "101 excuses"

    There's not one good reason you could EVER give as to why it's okay to steal money. When you flat out decided it wasn't going to be paid back, it was stealing from that point forward.

    If you had done this to your best friend, I would expect that perhaps the best friend could find forgiveness and patch things up with you but why in the hell do you think ANYONE should give you a second thought when you've shown how you handle shit. You simply don't. You play this "I'm a girl" shit to the point it sickens me. SERIOUSLY

    I have a pussy too, bitch.... and it doesn't make me want to be anywhere near the level of worthlessness you've displayed around find another weak ass excuse for why it's okay to be a dishonest thieving cunt. Keep throwing the excuses out here like you've been doing and we'll continue to find failure in every single one of your excuses. WHY? Because there is NEVER GOING TO BE A GOOD EXCUSE TO JUSTIFYING STEALING

    god bless.

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  • mstng86

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  • MutherjuggZ
    Originally posted by Morticia05GT View Post
    What the fuck is wrong with you people... really? Most of you are my age or older and your acting total fucking douch bags.... :/
    Even Chuck said he rather me put the money in my tired ass old Cobra, and yea it needs it... the fucker is slow.. and broke down not even 15 miles out of Greenville. :/
    Really though... I am not a bad person. You people are dwelling upon 1 thing and 1 car from a LONG ASS time ago.
    If you count all the times I have helped out fellow Stangers, I have helped out people the really... I should give a shit less about. I do more for others than I do myself.
    Really... I do. If your ass was dying or starving to death in the middle of the night and you asked me for a $1 dollar to get by... I would help you out. I am a nice girl, with a big heart... You can can say all these cruel things to me about my weight all you want, its not going to hurt me.. I know I have health problems. with PCOS, being Anemic, and having Hypothyroidism... it sucks ass trust me. Its hard as hell to lose weight...
    I am married and my husband is a good man and loves me for who I am.
    So keep sounding like ass holes..and talking bad about me that's ok. Just shows how much of a jerk you are.

    Lea, I don't know you but I am guessing you are either married to one of these guys or you are "one of the guys" if you know what I mean. But I would think being a woman you would think a little bit about would I just said.. I don't think your a bad person just maybe led down a bad path or listen to too much hear say...

    I have no clue who the fuck you are, where you came from, or why you're still here but get the fuck out of here with your book of "101 excuses"

    There's not one good reason you could EVER give as to why it's okay to steal money. When you flat out decided it wasn't going to be paid back, it was stealing from that point forward.

    If you had done this to your best friend, I would expect that perhaps the best friend could find forgiveness and patch things up with you but why in the hell do you think ANYONE should give you a second thought when you've shown how you handle shit. You simply don't. You play this "I'm a girl" shit to the point it sickens me. SERIOUSLY

    I have a pussy too, bitch.... and it doesn't make me want to be anywhere near the level of worthlessness you've displayed around find another weak ass excuse for why it's okay to be a dishonest thieving cunt. Keep throwing the excuses out here like you've been doing and we'll continue to find failure in every single one of your excuses. WHY? Because there is NEVER GOING TO BE A GOOD EXCUSE TO JUSTIFYING STEALING

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  • Sean88gt
    Originally posted by clevelandkid View Post
    I'm calling BS on the rape story. I mean, if you were going to rape a kid, wouldn't you pick one that was somewhat thin and attractive?
    Catholic Priests

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    Originally posted by clevelandkid View Post
    I'm calling BS on the rape story. I mean, if you were going to rape a kid, wouldn't you pick one that was somewhat thin and attractive?
    holy shit!!! i dont want to be laughing, but i cant stop myself.

    god bless.

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  • clevelandkid
    I'm calling BS on the rape story. I mean, if you were going to rape a kid, wouldn't you pick one that was somewhat thin and attractive?

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  • Sean88gt
    Originally posted by Swamp Donkey View Post
    I'll give you $250...
    Grade AAA quality right here!

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    who the hell would rip someone off for $150? my bar tab at lunch today will be more than that.

    god bless.

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