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Doc vs. Bob

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  • #76
    Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
    lol...again, you have the choice of medical treatment. If you dont like it...deny your treatment. A doctor cannot force you to take medical care you dont want. This isnt a charity.
    I hope you are in that situation one day, I really do. Then I hope you find someone with the exact same attitude that you have.


    • #77
      Originally posted by JC316 View Post
      I hope you are in that situation one day, I really do. Then I hope you find someone with the exact same attitude that you have.
      If you say so buddy. I have family that has been in these situations and they got their treatment and pay their bills the best they can. I work in the medical field. I hear people bitching about it all the time. I tell you though, most people would rather be alive. I just dont understand how you dont get it. You are the dumbass that said you would rather be dead. YOU HAVE THAT CHOICE. I would rather live and will pay to live. My grandfather has cancer and has decided to stop treatment. We let him make that decision because he is in control of his life and we will respect his wishes.

      Dont blame the medical field for providing treatment that you want and expect to be paid for it.


      • #78
        Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
        If you say so buddy. I have family that has been in these situations and they got their treatment and pay their bills the best they can. I work in the medical field. I hear people bitching about it all the time. I tell you though, most people would rather be alive. I just dont understand how you dont get it. You are the dumbass that said you would rather be dead. YOU HAVE THAT CHOICE. I would rather live and will pay to live.
        Well put, the second well put response in this thread.


        • #79
          You can spend all the money in the world and doctors still won't be able to fix stupid.
          Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
          Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


          • #80
            Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
            You can spend all the money in the world and doctors still won't be able to fix stupid.
            They make a hell of a dent with abortion clinics.
            Men have become the tools of their tools.
            -Henry David Thoreau


            • #81
              Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
              If you say so buddy. I have family that has been in these situations and they got their treatment and pay their bills the best they can. I work in the medical field. I hear people bitching about it all the time. I tell you though, most people would rather be alive. I just dont understand how you dont get it. You are the dumbass that said you would rather be dead. YOU HAVE THAT CHOICE. I would rather live and will pay to live. My grandfather has cancer and has decided to stop treatment. We let him make that decision because he is in control of his life and we will respect his wishes.

              Dont blame the medical field for providing treatment that you want and expect to be paid for it.
              There is a difference between "expecting to get paid" and "expecting to get paid three hundred thousand dollars for several hours work". Just because a service is essential at a given time and place doesn't mean the payment should be exploitative.

              Whether you agree with how the system works or not, there is a difference between those things. Having someone survive only to spend the rest of their life paying money for what was hours of someone's time is absurd at best. Just as absurd as the idea that medical care is free or a "right". Furthermore, if people in the profession have this attitude, it will lead to a government take over of the entire system at some point on humanitarian grounds. That is, you are only damaging your profession with this attitude. Look at what doctors make in England, it is right around jack and shit compared to what they make here.
              Originally posted by racrguy
              What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
              Originally posted by racrguy
              Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


              • #82
                Originally posted by MOSFET View Post
                They make a hell of a dent with abortion clinics.
                Some people from this board are poster children for postnatal abortions
                G'Day Mate


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                  There is a difference between "expecting to get paid" and "expecting to get paid three hundred thousand dollars for several hours work". Just because a service is essential at a given time and place doesn't mean the payment should be exploitative.

                  Whether you agree with how the system works or not, there is a difference between those things. Having someone survive only to spend the rest of their life paying money for what was hours of someone's time is absurd at best. Just as absurd as the idea that medical care is free or a "right". Furthermore, if people in the profession have this attitude, it will lead to a government take over of the entire system at some point on humanitarian grounds. That is, you are only damaging your profession with this attitude. Look at what doctors make in England, it is right around jack and shit compared to what they make here.
                  Doc's gotta have their lambo's and bentley's and 4 houses yo.
                  G'Day Mate


                  • #84
                    Jesus fuck. Has nobody else figured out that the op can change their own thread titles?


                    • #85
                      there will be a reckoning one day for doctor and nurse pay as it adjusts as the baby boomer population gets older and the system gets ever creakier. You are going to see a lot of nurses and doctors bitching, and it will be glorious. They aint gonna be in the pour house, but you will see a much more relaxed payscale ALONG with a lot of stress relief in the form of more legal protection for doctors against malpractice suits. That will be a huuuge win for the health care system, and a giant fuck you to malpractice attorneys.

                      As it stands : The entire medical industry is fucked. $80 dollars for scalpels? A bottle of asprin costs $2500!! $10 dollars for a tongue depressor? Get the fuck out of here.

                      And the reason your bill is so high is because 1 out of 3 people simply dont pay, so they try to make up their losses by charging you. Hooray!


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                        There is a difference between "expecting to get paid" and "expecting to get paid three hundred thousand dollars for several hours work". Just because a service is essential at a given time and place doesn't mean the payment should be exploitative.

                        Whether you agree with how the system works or not, there is a difference between those things. Having someone survive only to spend the rest of their life paying money for what was hours of someone's time is absurd at best. Just as absurd as the idea that medical care is free or a "right". Furthermore, if people in the profession have this attitude, it will lead to a government take over of the entire system at some point on humanitarian grounds. That is, you are only damaging your profession with this attitude. Look at what doctors make in England, it is right around jack and shit compared to what they make here.
                        It's not the few hours worth of labor so much as the knowledge of what to do in those few hours - especially in ER, organ transplants, etc..

                        On the OP, charging $800 for $120 of service might make sense if the time the staff has to spend going back and forth with an insurance company before recovering the service fee. In general terms: I'd bill an insurance company more for being a pain in the ass. I'd bill a patient much less because there's no extra headache.
                        Men have become the tools of their tools.
                        -Henry David Thoreau


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
                          there will be a reckoning one day for doctor and nurse pay as it adjusts as the baby boomer population gets older and the system gets ever creakier. You are going to see a lot of nurses and doctors bitching, and it will be glorious. They aint gonna be in the pour house, but you will see a much more relaxed payscale ALONG with a lot of stress relief in the form of more legal protection for doctors against malpractice suits. That will be a huuuge win for the health care system, and a giant fuck you to malpractice attorneys.

                          As it stands : The entire medical industry is fucked. $80 dollars for scalpels? A bottle of asprin costs $2500!! $10 dollars for a tongue depressor? Get the fuck out of here.

                          And the reason your bill is so high is because 1 out of 3 people simply dont pay, so they try to make up their losses by charging you. Hooray!
                          Just what I'd like to see, doctors and nurses being underpaid while they treat someone's life-threatening malady.

                          Why shouldn't they be allowed to go have a beer at the Pour House?


                          • #88
                            The dead only know one is better to be alive: Full Metal Jacket.
                            My dad had 7 heart attacks, cancer twice, and then a heart transplant. the transplant gave us 3 years, but ultimately his body rejected it. He always said that taking all the meds and going through all the pain was better than death.....until the end, then he said it was time and he was done. died the next day 2/4/2011. it was well over 1 mil for the extra time we had.


                            • #89
                              Mike, you suck

                              At least this thread title is factual.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by MOSFET View Post
                                It's not the few hours worth of labor so much as the knowledge of what to do in those few hours - especially in ER, organ transplants, etc..
                                Sounds great except the doctors and nurses make very little compared to what the hospitals actually bill. I think Dave has mentioned that he makes about $300 an hour. The issue here is not really what the doctors and nurses make as much as what the hospital bills for the overall service.

                                I think Ryan makes a good point though, we are in a period where the medical profession is going to be overrun with business. However, once the baby boomers all die off, you are going to see some serious fallout. Reason being is that it is a well known fact that people use more medical care in the last six months of their lives than at any other time.
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.

