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So did anyone spill the beans?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Leah View Post
    I'm not butt hurt . Just suggesting that you might ask them since I'm not the one involved.


    • #92
      Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
      I want to know what kind of dumbfuck gets hail damage at an airport that is filled with garage parking?
      You have got to have travelled enough at this point to understand that garage parking isn't always available, especially at DFW.

      Doesn't make him any less of a douchebag, but it may have been an only choice.


      • #93
        what police dept does houstondallas work for? We need to email this thread to his sgt.


        • #94
          [breaking news] Crooked cop [/breaking news]


          • #95
            Originally posted by Big A View Post
            You have got to have travelled enough at this point to understand that garage parking isn't always available, especially at DFW.

            Doesn't make him any less of a douchebag, but it may have been an only choice.
            I guess that is true but then again I never park at the airport. Though, when I do park I usually always find a spot on the first few floors.
            Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
            Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


            • #96
              Originally posted by 78X View Post
              what police dept does houstondallas work for? We need to email this thread to his sgt.

              But I don't think we should do that.


              • #97
                Wow. First of all the person I was referred to was a good dude and was very helpful. We talked the entire time and after Geico said I could just put it towards the loan, that seemed like the better idea since I was trading it in. He AGREED that if I was doing that then it was the better solution, even THOUGH he wasnt going to get the business. That was pretty badass and upstanding of him.

                For his time, I paid him over $500 hundred dollars out of my own pocket just cause I did appreciate his time. The money from the insurance went to the bank with my loan so I didn't get anything.

                What happened was between us and wasnt a big deal


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Big A View Post
                  You have got to have travelled enough at this point to understand that garage parking isn't always available, especially at DFW.

                  Doesn't make him any less of a douchebag, but it may have been an only choice.
                  It was the only choice. It sucked but life goes on.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Mike View Post

                    But I don't think we should do that.

                    Okay, but I suck lots of cock.
                    Last edited by Leah; 06-20-2011, 06:46 PM.


                    • Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                      I guess that is true but then again I never park at the airport. Though, when I do park I usually always find a spot on the first few floors.
                      Me either, I get a shuttle and leave the car in the garage. For a week away on personal trips it's a wash as compared to parking, and on business trips the compeny pays.

                      It was an eyeopener to me the first time I took the first flight out to Sacramento on a Tuesday, 5am in the morning and the close lot was full. Commuting by airline is big here, who'd have thunkit.


                      • Originally posted by houstondallas View Post
                        Wow. First of all the person I was referred to was a good dude and was very helpful. We talked the entire time and after Geico said I could just put it towards the loan, that seemed like the better idea since I was trading it in. He AGREED that if I was doing that then it was the better solution, even THOUGH he wasnt going to get the business. That was pretty badass and upstanding of him.

                        For his time, I paid him over $500 hundred dollars out of my own pocket just cause I did appreciate his time. The money from the insurance went to the bank with my loan so I didn't get anything.

                        What happened was between us and wasnt a big deal
                        Asumming that's true, then it sounds like a decent deal for all involved, and Mychael101 didn't call you out directly.

                        Unless there's more to the story, this is hardly drama worthy.


                        • Originally posted by 78X View Post
                          Okay, but I can't get an erection.
                          I dont get it?? Whats all this crooked cop shit? I did nothing illegal...I didnt wanna screw the guy over so I paid him and it was over. Not sure what the problem is and why so many people are concerned.
                          Last edited by Leah; 06-20-2011, 06:47 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Big A View Post
                            Asumming that's true, then it sounds like a decent deal for all involved, and Mychael101 didn't call you out directly.

                            Unless there's more to the story, this is hardly drama worthy.
                            I think the only reason theres drama is because the guy who was going to do the work didnt pay him a referral fee. Maybe he should have since I paid him $500 bucks.....not my problem or a reason for drama...


                            • Originally posted by houstondallas View Post
                              I dont get it?? Whats all this crooked cop shit? I did nothing illegal...I didnt wanna screw the guy over so I paid him and it was over. Not sure what the problem is and why so many people are concerned.
                              Like I said in the original thread, Mychael101 posted some very basic details that could allow one's mind to assume the worst, and the board took it from there. If it happened how you say it did I can see the referral being a little peeved at not getting the business, but if you paid him for his time, then all is good.


                              • Originally posted by houstondallas View Post
                                I think the only reason theres drama is because the guy who was going to do the work didnt pay him a referral fee. Maybe he should have since I paid him $500 bucks.....not my problem or a reason for drama...
                                Bingo. Which explains why Mychael101 only wanted to talk cryptically about the situation. He knows that you didn't screw over who he referred you to, but is miffed that he didn't see any cash from it.

                                =thread backfire

