I will tell you from personal experience. That "handy" little box is a piece of crap. Its all plastic and the little drawers stack on top of each other so tight its a total PITA to pull just one drawer out. And when you pull it out, it has to come all the way out or else it will slip out and scatter you tools to places you didn't know tools could hide.
Well shit, I never should have opened this thread. Now I have to go buy that damn kit just to have the extras for the price. Hell I might as well buy one for the old man as a gift.
Well shit, I never should have opened this thread. Now I have to go buy that damn kit just to have the extras for the price. Hell I might as well buy one for the old man as a gift.
I just remember some tough guy, probably snap-on folks, calling them crap.
I think what they meant was if you use them around the house their great. But if you work with tools for a living then snap-on, matco etc are better. My buddy bought the set and it's pretty cool.