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77 yr old rancher dies defending his property

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  • 77 yr old rancher dies defending his property

    Mexico :

    When Mexican Marines arrived at the San Jose Ranch, 15 kilometers from Victoria, Tamaulipas, the scene was bleak: The austere main house was practically destroyed by grenades and heavy gunfire.

    Outside of the home, they found four bodies. Cautiously, and with their weapons drawn, the troops continued inspecting the exterior and found two more, wounded and unconscious, but alive.

    Inside the house only one body was found, riddled with bullets and two weapons by it’s side. The body was identified as Don Alejo Garza Tamez, the owner of the ranch and a highly respected businessman in Nuevo Leon.

    Upon further inspection of the interior, marines found weapons and ammunition at every window and door. This allowed them to imagine how, just hours prior, the battle had played out.

    Marines searched for more bodies inside the house, but none were to be found. It seemed hard to believe that one person, armed only with hunting rifles, had caused so many casualties on the attackers.

    Dozens of spent shells and the smell of gunpowder gave proof of the ferocity of the man who fought to the end in defense, of not only his ranch, but his dignity.

    In the end, it was deduced the man had created his own defense strategy to fight alone, placing weapons at every door and window.

    The story began in the morning of Saturday November 13, when a group of armed gunmen went to deliver an ultimatum to Don Alejo Garza Tamez: He had 24 hours to turn over his property or suffer the consequences.

    Using the diplomacy he had acquired over nearly eight decades of life, Don Alejo flatly announced that not only would he not be surrendering his property, but that he’d be waiting for them.

    When the men had left, Don Alejo gathered his workers and ordered them to take Sunday off, he wanted to be alone.

    He dedicated the rest of Saturday to taking stock of his weapons and ammunition and creating a military barracks style defense strategy for his home.

    The night of Saturday the thirteenth was long and restless, much like his past hunting adventures; Don Alejo woke early. Shortly after 4 a.m. the motors of various trucks could be heard entering the property from a distance.

    Marines who investigated the case could only imagine how it was that morning: armed men, their impunity secured, confident they’d soon be owners of yet another property. Nobody, or almost no one, could hold out against a group of heavily armed gunmen. Only Don Alejo.

    The trucks entered the ranch and took up positions surrounding the house. The gunmen got out of their trucks, fired shots in the air, and announced they came to take possession of the ranch. They were expecting the terrified occupants to run out, begging for mercy with their hands in the air.

    But things didn’t go as expected. Don Alejo welcomed them with bullets; the entire army of gunmen returned fire. Don Alejo seemed to multiply, he seemed to be everywhere. The minutes would have seemed endless to those who seen him as easy prey. Various gunmen were killed on sight. The others, in rage and frustration, intensified the attack by swapping out their assault rifles for grenades.

    When everything finally fell silent, the air was left heavy with gunpowder. The holes left in the walls and the windows attested to the violence of the attack. When they went in search of what they had assumed was a large contingent, they were surprised to find only one man, Don Alejo.

    The surviving gunmen did not take over the ranch. Thinking the military would arrive at anytime, they decided to run. They left behind what they thought were six corpses, but two of their gunmen had survived.

    Shortly after the Marines arrived and little by little reconstructed the events. A lone rancher, a man who worked a lifetime to be able to enjoy such luxuries such as his land, literally defended it to his death.

    In the last hunt of his life, Don Alejo surprised the group of assassins who wanted to impose the same law on his ranch that they had on the State, the law of the jungle.

    The marines who were present will never forget the scene: a 77 year old man, who before death, took out four gunmen, fighting the same as the best soldiers: with dignity, courage, and honor.

    Rest in Peace Don Alejo Garza Tamez

    Read more:

    Cliffs: 77 yr old rancher would not give in to drug dealers demands and got killed defending his property, but not after taking 4 of them with him.

  • #2
    thats a great story. sad, but great.

    god bless.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


    • #3
      All the people need is a handful more like this man to start overcoming these cartels and putting them on their heels.

      Godspeed, senor.


      • #4
        What a bunch of pussies. They got what they deserved. Thats all I have to say.


        • #5
          Sucks the Marines didnt get there sooner. RIP


          • #6
            Too bad he didn't have some grenades to launch back at them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Denny View Post
              All the people need is a handful more like this man to start overcoming these cartels and putting them on their heels.

              Godspeed, senor.
              "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


              • #8
                Very inspiring - RIP
                Originally posted by Sean88gt
                You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                • #9
                  The only thing Evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

                  This man did something.

                  I think I may have used another strategy, like staging away from the house, and when they arrived, sniping them with a suppressed rifle or letting them take over the house and blowing it up.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                    The only thing Evil needs to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

                    This man did something.

                    I think I may have used another strategy, like staging away from the house, and when they arrived, sniping them with a suppressed rifle or letting them take over the house and blowing it up.
                    Could have been a flatter area than you're thinking. He might have been moving from post to post within the house to give the illusion of multiple shooters in hopes of backing them off somewhat.


                    • #11
                      Damn, what an incredible story. I like to think that I would rise up and stare evil in the face in a situation like this, but who knows what would really happen.

                      77 years old and fought to the last breath. Mexico needs more good people like this to stand and fight off the villains that are digging Mexico a deep hole.
                      Originally posted by lincolnboy
                      After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.


                      • #12
                        Good for him, and fuck those cocksuckers.


                        • #13
                          Good man. R.I.P.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DOHCTR View Post
                            Damn, what an incredible story. I like to think that I would rise up and stare evil in the face in a situation like this, but who knows what would really happen.

                            77 years old and fought to the last breath. Mexico needs more good people like this to stand and fight off the villains that are digging Mexico a deep hole.

                            I dont think the Cartels are going anywhere anytime soon! They have more guns & weapons then their own Goverment!
                            GOD BLESS TEXAS
                            August Landscaping
                            Seb's high class.
                            He'll mow your grass.
                            He'll kick your ass.
                            And while his kidney stones pass,
                            He'll piss in a glass!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SEB View Post
                              I dont think the Cartels are going anywhere anytime soon! They have more guns & weapons then their own Goverment!
                              This is unfortunately true
                              Originally posted by lincolnboy
                              After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.

