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Dallas Mavericks Parade

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  • #76
    Originally posted by jluv View Post
    Went and purchased TRE tickets at 5:30 AM. Came back, showered, got my Mavs gear on, stuffed a cooler with water, grabbed the sunscreen, loaded up with my girl and my pops, and left the house. Finally made it through the traffic flow back to the station (about 3 miles away). There was NOWHERE to park. People were just cruising around aimlessly for a mile or two in every direction. All kinds of illegal parking going on for every square inch. This is at Trinity and 360. I wasnt trying to get towed. Should have left even earlier. Fuck! So I'm watching it on TV.
    I am watching the DART station from my window.

    Hundreds of people just standing around waiting for a train. The streets are jammed at elm and lamar, all the way up to woodall rodgers.

    Did people stop on Woodall Rodgers?


    • #77
      I bet all the unemployment and welfare lines are empty today....
      Big Rooster Racing
      85' Coupe


      • #78
        we just came from it a little while ago, we tried to get on the train at the vernon tyler station but by the time the train got that way it was too fucking crowded, we had to go to the westmoreland illinois station and jump on there, didnt take us that long to get down town (we got off at the union station) and then walked a couple of feet to the parade route and we were right on the fence less than 10 ft from the players and coaches, good thing my cousin got there earlier and was able to give us a ride back cause that line for the train ride would have been nuts

        Originally posted by DOHCTR
        You sir are the poster child for "Go big or go home"!


        • #79
          Just got back, it was awesome. Me and my girl parked on the oak cliff side and walked across the houston street bridge.


          • #80
            I was there.
            Last edited by Osiris; 11-08-2011, 01:03 PM.
            Karussell White - 2010 Genesis Coupe R-Spec 6MT 2.0T -


            • #81
              Originally posted by Osiris View Post
              I was there.
              Attached Files


              • #82
                Eff that!! I enjoy the a/c too much.
                Putting warheads on foreheads since 2004

                Pro-Touring Build


                • #83
                  Deshawn sounds messed up


                  • #84
                    Here are my pics from it. I got there at about 8:30am, parked in platinum parking, stayed out in the crowd for about an hour, then went in the ACC to watch the parade have some beers and watch the ceremony. I was happy I went.

                    I build websites. PM me.


                    • #85

                      Last edited by DoesSpeedTurnUon; 06-16-2011, 03:17 PM.
                      I build websites. PM me.


                      • #86
                        It was a great time. My friend lives near The Village. We hopped on our bikes and rode over to the Katy Trail and took it to the AAC...about a 6.5 mile ride. Found us a decent spot and then rode back. We didn't have to deal with the traffic...just the crowd. All in all, a great time! Glad I went.
                        Rachel McAdams nude pics


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by paul_376 View Post
                          Live pic

                          They just showed this banner on fox 4
                          Karussell White - 2010 Genesis Coupe R-Spec 6MT 2.0T -


                          • #88
                            Did they just show this banner on fox 4?


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by GE View Post
                              Did they just show this banner on fox 4?
                              Are you mocking you?


                              • #90
                                Attached Files

