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Days like this make my job rewarding... (yes, FTP!)

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  • Days like this make my job rewarding... (yes, FTP!)

    I got a call for a welfare check today on an 80 yoa woman.

    The postman called 911 saying that this particular woman hasn't gotten the mail from her mailbox in 3 days and has several newspapers on her porch. He can't get her to answer her door, requests a welfare check.

    The ambulace service gets there first, and when I arrive they say they've checked the house and it's locked up tight. They can't get anyone to the door, and the mail/papers are piling up. Her car is in the carport. They have found one window that is unlocked, but it's basically locked shut from years of accumulated paint.

    I check the house, and from all the details I can gather, there is enough reason to make a forced entry to check on the welfare of this elderly person. It's a risk we take, and most of the time we break a window for nothing, but still I feel the need is present.

    I find a 4 tined garden pitchfork and use it to pry the one unlocked window. After getting it to budge, I got the window open enough for one of the ambulance guys to climb in. As soon as he gets in, he yells out that she is down in the hall. He lets us in and they start checking her vitals. She appears to have been down for a couple of days, is severly dehydrated and conscious, but not coherent. The AC in the house is turned off and it feels like an oven in there. We get her loaded in the ambulance and she is transported.

    We secured the house and left, but it felt good to know we probably saved her life.

    I'm going to call down to the postal station tomorrow and try to do something to recognize the postman. If it wasn't for his observation and caring, she would have probably died soon.

    Oh, and her DL was found. She is 81.

  • #2
    Job well done officer.


    • #3
      Well done all around!


      • #4
        Wow, yall saved her life for sure. Good job


        • #5
          That's a good story. Glad you guys were able to help.

          I just couldn't imagine being laid out like that with no AC and knowing that no one was probably going to help. Very sad


          • #6
            good job !
            Check your self bro , you're not that cool.


            • #7
              For your good efforts, you should stay on the clock and go work out.


              • #8
                Originally posted by GE View Post
                For your good efforts, you should stay on the clock and go work out.
                Thanks Chief!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                  Thanks Chief!!
                  Dear Chief, many things have transpired since we last spoke...


                  • #10
                    Good job sir!
                    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                    • #11
                      That is what I call protecting and serving, nice work!


                      • #12
                        I call BS! We havent heard the ladies side of the story. you guys probably gassed her house and found her curled up on the floor when yall raided it! F'ing cops always using excessive force!!


                        • #13
                          That's a job well done!


                          • #14
                            Very nice, Matt!
                            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                            • #15
                              You're still a pig though!!

                              Only kidding! glad you helped save a life.. a lot of people forget why police became cops.. to stop bad guys and save lives! Sure there a few bad apples but in any biz you will find the same.. (lets talk corporate world taking money from people who dont have it to lose)

                              Ill buy you a beer or lunch if i meet ya!

