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North Korea just attacked South Korea.

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  • Originally posted by fordracer2 View Post
    This is bullshit it's time for China and Russia to step up to the plate and bitch slap North Korea. Both China and Russia want to be viewed as world leaders, world superpowers, but they've never done anything to justify that acknowledgment other than providing cheap break in two days goods, in the case of China, and spreading military hardware to violent rouge nations, in the case of Russia.

    Neither nations respect human rights. Neither nations speak out against the atrocities in Darfur Sudan or Burma. China would rather roll a tank over an individual wanting Democracy than allow basic fundamental human rights. Russia would rather trade with Iran than pressure the Iranian regime to allow free and fair elections.

    America may have it faults, but there is a reason why we are the only world's superpower. It's not just because of our economic engine, it's because even a divided Americans knows right from wrong and we don't put up with bullshit.

    It's time for North Korea's top 2 trading partners to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Reign in North Korea before western civilized nations (US)have to take action into their own hands.

    We did it with Hitler. We did it during WWI. We can and will do it again if necessary. With or without help of the the 2 world leader wannabees, China and Russia wich would be a fucking disaster because there gonna get butt hurt and it's gonna get nasty! I hope we hold out and let them step up for once but i doubt it happens!
    Why is everybody comparing going to war with North Korea to the world wars? Those involved dozens of countries. That would be like comparing Iraq or Afganistan to a world war...which would actually be closer than going to war with N. Korea.
    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


    • Originally posted by STFU View Post
      well that is why I asked the question. you going to just sit there and let him continue his escalation of erratic/dangerous behavior with no solution?
      Now you're changing the subject (again). I asked you why you wanted North Korea to do something else since they're idle after that incident, as if you're not satisfied with no assaults going on.

      You did not ask if we were going to just let it go; you said "North Korea needs to make a move." I asked "Why?" Now you ask if I'm going to "just sit there and let him continue his escalation of erratic/dangerous behavior with no solution?"

      Well, if you're cheerleading him on so it DOES escalate, I think we found a way to DEescalate it.


      • Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
        I just have a real hard time believing that a country that can't feed its own people and starts shit to get handouts is going to mobilize a million men into anything but a giant circle jerk. That's all.
        That's the thing about NK, they don't have to mobilize. It's not like they need to get ready to load up tons of C10s and naval ships to move halfway across the world, deploy, and fight a good fight. And they definetely aren't concerned about the sustained logistics that a war requires.

        They have their guns pointed at Seoul as we speak. They are loaded and ready to fire, there is no mobilization to it. Don't get me wrong, NK would get their ass handed to them in the long run...but at what cost to SK?

        You really have to understand the desperation of NK at this point. They are broke, starving and dying off slowly. Their leader has one of the worst egos in any recent world history. Would he rather lead his nation to long standing glory (impossible) or go out with a bang and still make the history books? Picture them as the rogue nation they are, headed up by an egomaniacal dictator, and I'll go with the latter.

        Yes, yes, yes they will lose a war. They are already losing the battle for survival. But the thousands of shells they have stocked and could fire directly at Seoul within a days time make it difficult to go straight to war with them.

        On another note, it looks like we have a carrier group heading that way now and will continue SK's naval excersises with them. I think that is an absolutely solid move, perhaps the best move. We can go down, flex nuts along sides with SK, and if anything goes down we are ready to strike absolutely ASAP. It wouldn't be perfect because we would need ground forces there to shut down their artillery front, but airstrikes and naval batteries can definetely help that cause.


        • S Korea is backed into a corner, in a real shitty spot. They know what is going to happen if they make a stand, but in the same sentence cannot keep backing down to the increasingly harsh attacks. I think they will just snap soon and ride it out.

          Just my opinion, but not relocating Seoul out of close range wass as bad of an idea as staying in New Orleans 30 below sea level. They have had 50 years to get the people away from the DMZ.

          I think the only way to force N Korea to back down from this shit is to show them that any massive attack on Seoul would draw an immediate nuclear retaliation from the US. But with our current sack of shit pres, were not likely to be very convincing. I think Hillary is more butch than this limp-wristed empty suit.

          Originally posted by SSMAN
          ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.

