I honestly don't know how it happened, went to sleep fine, and woke up to this crap.
I apprecieate your suggestions to go to the doc, but I'm gonna give it a day or three and see what happens.
It's annoying as hell though.
My Mom worked for an eye dr for 20 some odd years and has seen lots of messed up eyes were folks waited a day or three and eye got jacked up because of it.
Your call just givin you fair warning. If you do go, they'll likely put a UV dye in it to see how bad it is then go from there.
I honestly don't know how it happened, went to sleep fine, and woke up to this crap.
I apprecieate your suggestions to go to the doc, but I'm gonna give it a day or three and see what happens.
It's annoying as hell though.
Every once in a great while I will position my head just right on the pillow while I am sleeping to where it pulls my eyelid up in the corner, then my eye will dry out and feel like it is scratched for a day or two. Damn annoying.
I recently got a piece of metal on my cornea. After a few days, it got so bad, it hurt to have my eye open or closed. It's hard to go to sleep with your eye open. It kept getting worse, so I went to the doctor and he dug a piece out about the size of a comma. I hate going to the doctor and the money spent, but it sure beats the pain and having just one eye.
Ouch. I typically sleep in my contacts. A couple years ago I woke up with a ton of pain in my eye and my eye seemed shut for good. I guess my eye was watering a ton while sleeping and dried my eye lashes together.
I remember anytime I looked towards light it hurt like hell.
Could be a Cornell abrasion, you should see a doc. You'll get some antibiotics and possibly some tetracaine to numb it up every once in a while.
That's what I had when a firework fucked up my eye. Shit's awesome. Sucked though I have to have 4 differen't eye drops and two of them I HAD to do every 2 hours and the other 2 every 4 hours. Also for 7 days had to lay on my back with my head at a 45 degree angle so the blood could drain. Fun times!
It doesn't hurt much anymore. Probably was an abrasion of some type, I'm just glad to blink and it not hurt.
2nd round I got dirt in my eye and the eye doc just gave me antibiotics for the abrasion. Eye will take about a week to heal with a minor abrasion. What sucked those was having to wear glasses during those healing times.
"Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey