A test drive should have told you that. Please tell me you had the car at operating temp for at least 10 minutes.
The guy told me it didn't eat any fluids and it never leaked. Test drove and had the car running for 30min, checked all the fluids, checked underneath the car for drips. What the guy didn't tell me was that the car was slowly eating coolant (due to a blown HG) The coolant looked full but it lost all the coolant on the way home overheated and the HG got worse. Didn't see any white smoke either. Then at some point it sprung a leak from the waterpump and the plastic rad end tank. I have the car partially apart and looks like the gasket was blown in between the cylinders and water jackets and the water pump doesn't spin freely anymore.
All in all I fucked up a bit but I've decided to suck it up. I just asked if anyone was able to find someone, because that fucker was unreachable, he would hang up everytime I called. At best I wanted to give him some shit for selling it to me like that, maybe call him an asshole.