If you are going straight please don't be in the right lane of a multi lane road when the light turns red at an instersection. I am entitled to be able to turn right on red without waiting on your inconsiderate ass.
I realize this is in jest, but I actually do this. I just don't expect anyone else to.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
If you are going straight please don't be in the right lane of a multi lane road when the light turns red at an instersection. I am entitled to be able to turn right on red without waiting on your inconsiderate ass.
If it's not a turn only your not entitled to shit. I don't concern myself with other people and their right turns.
It bothers me if there is space available in a straight only lane. I get it a lot pulling into my complex. There will be one person in the right hand lane, nobody in the straight lane, and I have to either sit and wait, or drive around them so I can turn.
It's just another consideration thing. I move over all the time if I am not turning and have the opportunity. (just like getting out of the fast lane for those moving faster than me)
I check my mirror to see if a person behind me has there blinker on. If the left lane has one or two cars, and if the right lane is open I am going to pull into the lane.
Maybe if people turn on their blinkers at the right time, not when you start making the turn.
Or people who use the left hand lane on the highway to go the same speed as the people on the right....? Drivers education teaches you that slower traffic always to the right no matter what road you are on.
Guess people dont pay attention in class more than I realized...
Originally posted by Sean88gt
You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.
Right by my office (uptown Dallas) there is a very busy right-turn-only lane, clearly marked, but it's possible to go straight. I'm amazed at the number of people that pull up to the light to go straight in the turn-only lane. I want so badly to push their dumb ass into the intersection while I make my right turn, but I don't want to scratch my new truck. lol
Or people who use the left hand lane on the highway to go the same speed as the people on the right....? Drivers education teaches you that slower traffic always to the right no matter what road you are on.
Guess people dont pay attention in class more than I realized...
LOL, they can't read or write! What else would you expect from a bunch, inbreds, illegals and lowlife's?....
Haha, I stopped in 4 right turn lanes at lunch and went straight. Blocked atleast 17 cars. Then I did a burnout next to some jackass in a V6 Mustang with GT exhaust on it.
Haha, I stopped in 4 right turn lanes at lunch and went straight. Blocked atleast 17 cars. Then I did a burnout next to some jackass in a V6 Mustang with GT exhaust on it.