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Gas Pump Etiquette

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  • jesus tap-dancing christ you guys will argue about anything

    the way i see it is there are pros and cons to ANY vehicle, if you dont like the cons of your current vehicle then get something else!

    the pros to having a 'shoebox' car is great mpg, darting around traffic is easy and fun(to me at least), parking is a breeze, and they are usually cheap. the cons are they dont hold a lot of passengers or cargo, they are not fast, not as safe as big cars or trucks/suvs

    i cant list the pros and cons to having a big car or truck/suv cause it's been forever since i owned a big car and i have never owned a truck/suv

    but the bottom line is that there is no perfect vehicle, so pick what you want but deal with the cons like a big boy and quit fucking complaining !


    • Originally posted by talisman View Post
      So I should inconvenience MYSELF by trying to find another accessible pump, on the off chance some deisel driver pulls up and has to wait a minute? How is that any more or less selfish than bitching about gas drivers using the pumps that also put out deisel? I mean they do put out BOTH, it isnt like im parking there for my health. I've used deisel pumps hundreds of times, and can't think of a single time a deisel driver has had to wait for me to finish. Not one.

      I think the only people that are really bitching, are the ones that are hauling across country or in some form driving for work (aka the Matco truck). Time is money, they are on the clock at the pump. Whereas very few else are.

      I've had to wait for gas pumps before. It's annoying, but it is what it is. It gets more annoying when I'm on the road somewhere, trying to get somewhere by a certain time. And yes, I plan properly. Its still annoying. Not annoying enough for me to start a threa about it, but I can certainly relate.
      Originally posted by BradM
      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
      Originally posted by Leah
      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


      • Originally posted by talisman View Post
        Jesus, I can't spell diesel worth a shit.
        i before e except after d.... err c.


        • Originally posted by grove rat View Post
          jesus tap-dancing christ you guys will argue about anything

          the way i see it is there are pros and cons to ANY vehicle, if you dont like the cons of your current vehicle then get something else!

          the pros to having a 'shoebox' car is great mpg, darting around traffic is easy and fun(to me at least), parking is a breeze, and they are usually cheap. the cons are they dont hold a lot of passengers or cargo, they are not fast, not as safe as big cars or trucks/suvs

          i cant list the pros and cons to having a big car or truck/suv cause it's been forever since i owned a big car and i have never owned a truck/suv

          but the bottom line is that there is no perfect vehicle, so pick what you want but deal with the cons like a big boy and quit fucking complaining !
          I hear one of the big cons of owning a diesel is waiting at pumps.


          • ^haha!

            like i said earlier, i used to drive an old diesel benz and would only fill up at truck stops... cheaper prices and no waiting!


            • Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
              I hear most have average dicks but huge balls.
              Yeah they are hanging off the rear bumper although I think they call them "truck-nutz"


              • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                Sort of like your asinine assumption that everyone parks at the deisel pumps because they are inconsiderate, not because the other pumps were taken?

                Like I said in a previous post. If there are just a couple open I give them the benefit of the doubt that they could have been occupied when they had to pull in to the diesel pump. However, when there 6 open gas only pumps that was probably not the case. Or if I sit there and watch them drive up to a diesel pump when there 6 empty gas only pumps. At that point they are either inconsiderate or oblivious to the fact. For those that are oblivious to what they are doing I wish there was some way to bring it to their attention. However, those that just don't care such as yourself I would love to have them pull in to a gas station once with nothing but diesel only pumps open because all of the other pumps are occupied. I'd be willing to bet if a situation like that occurred on a regular basis to you that it would get in to your crawl as well.


                • After seeing all the diesel pussies whining about the joking statement of their small manhood I'm starting to buy into the theory...who the fuck gets a truck like that for daily commuting. I think I'm gonna start hunting for diesel only pumps to fill up my V6 pusstang.


                  • i am gonna start carrying plastic bags to put over the diesel pump handles


                    • Originally posted by BLK306 View Post
                      Like I said in a previous post. If there are just a couple open I give them the benefit of the doubt that they could have been occupied when they had to pull in to the diesel pump. However, when there 6 open gas only pumps that was probably not the case. Or if I sit there and watch them drive up to a diesel pump when there 6 empty gas only pumps. At that point they are either inconsiderate or oblivious to the fact. For those that are oblivious to what they are doing I wish there was some way to bring it to their attention. However, those that just don't care such as yourself I would love to have them pull in to a gas station once with nothing but diesel only pumps open because all of the other pumps are occupied. I'd be willing to bet if a situation like that occurred on a regular basis to you that it would get in to your crawl as well.
                      Who are you to tell them where they need to pump?


                      • Originally posted by BLK306 View Post
                        Like I said in a previous post. If there are just a couple open I give them the benefit of the doubt that they could have been occupied when they had to pull in to the diesel pump. However, when there 6 open gas only pumps that was probably not the case. Or if I sit there and watch them drive up to a diesel pump when there 6 empty gas only pumps. At that point they are either inconsiderate or oblivious to the fact. For those that are oblivious to what they are doing I wish there was some way to bring it to their attention. However, those that just don't care such as yourself I would love to have them pull in to a gas station once with nothing but diesel only pumps open because all of the other pumps are occupied. I'd be willing to bet if a situation like that occurred on a regular basis to you that it would get in to your crawl as well.


                        • Originally posted by grove rat View Post
                          i am gonna start carrying plastic bags to put over the diesel pump handles


                          • Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                            After seeing all the diesel pussies whining about the joking statement of their small manhood I'm starting to buy into the theory...who the fuck gets a truck like that for daily commuting. I think I'm gonna start hunting for diesel only pumps to fill up my V6 pusstang.
                            I don't have one currently, but will again soon enough. Would you rather spend $30,000 on a gas truck that will be worth $10,000 when gas hits $4.50+ per gallon, or $30,000 for a truck that you can put 250,000 miles on, and still sell for $10,000+/- no matter what gas/diesel prices are like? It's a pretty clear choice to me.
                            Originally posted by BradM
                            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                            Originally posted by Leah
                            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                            • On topic, the only gripe I have, and it isn't really a big deal, are people that don't pull through to the forward most pump. I realize that during the busy times there was likely someone in front of them, but I've seen it time and time again where people pull in to the first pump and park it. It can be a pain to have to go around and back into a pump, but not a big enough issue to make a thread about.


                              • Before I had a diesel, I never gave it a single thought, or even noticed that only certain pumps had diesel. It just never crossed my mind - why would it?

                                Now that I have one, I look back on that time, so it doesn't surprise or upset me if a gasser is blocking the pump. I'd like to say that when I'm in my Explorer now, that I never use the outside pumps, but that would be a lie. Diesel guys (including me) can just wait.

