Yea, it is abnormally high this summer. Usually in summer it is about $.10 cheaper than regular unlead then in winter it is about $.10 more than super.
Back before the EPA decided that we should all use low sulpher diesel it was always cheap as shit.
But the trucks get really good gas mileage, mine averages 19.5 in city driving.
For the last year or two it's been as high as something like 60¢ more per gallon. Too bad ya'll cant run red diesel in your trucks.
Fuck man. I love my big Ford, but I'm not getting anywhere near the mileage everyone else is claiming. 12 city and 17 hwy, and that is driving like a grandma (most of the time).
Fuck man. I love my big Ford, but I'm not getting anywhere near the mileage everyone else is claiming. 12 city and 17 hwy, and that is driving like a grandma (most of the time).
Didn't you have yours chipped or tuned? I know tons of people who claim 20+ empty in theirs.. maybe you got a bad tune or something.
Fuck man. I love my big Ford, but I'm not getting anywhere near the mileage everyone else is claiming. 12 city and 17 hwy, and that is driving like a grandma (most of the time).
Do you have a tuner on it? Not that I know what I'm talking about, but I've heard with a Bullydog, etc guys are seeing 20+ out of those trucks
Fuck man. I love my big Ford, but I'm not getting anywhere near the mileage everyone else is claiming. 12 city and 17 hwy, and that is driving like a grandma (most of the time).
The Ford's don't get as good of mileage as the Cummins from what I read/hear. Also, a programmer will help your mileage quite a bit if you run it on the economy tune. More power, and better mileage. lol
Also, is that hand calculated or using the car computer? Those things are way off.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
For the record, I normally wouldn't bitch, but Jesus Christ, parking SIX Harleys between two pumps, when there's a total of 8 pumps at the station and only one has diesel, is a little extreme. As someone who has ridden for ten+ years, I wouldn't even want to park a bike next to spilled diesel fuel anyway, that shit is slick!
The Ford's don't get as good of mileage as the Cummins from what I read/hear. Also, a programmer will help your mileage quite a bit if you run it on the economy tune. More power, and better mileage. lol
Also, is that hand calculated or using the car computer? Those things are way off.
I have a Bully Dog tuner on mine. Two things help the mileage, a tuner and some mileage on the engine. My truck originally only got 15 mpg from the factory, the Bullydog tuner on the performance setting bumped it to about 17.5 mpg. As it has aged it has slowly crept up. It will get over 20 on the highway now and gets the 19.5 mpg combined. I have hand calculated it for years and the overhead console is fairly accurate on mine but I have increased tire size, I imagine with the factory tires it would be pretty far off.
Originally posted by racrguy
What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
Originally posted by racrguy
Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
I have a Bully Dog tuner on mine. Two things help the mileage, a tuner and some mileage on the engine. My truck originally only got 15 mpg from the factory, the Bullydog tuner on the performance setting bumped it to about 17.5 mpg. As it has aged it has slowly crept up. It will get over 20 on the highway now and gets the 19.5 mpg combined. I have hand calculated it for years and the overhead console is fairly accurate on mine but I have increased tire size, I imagine with the factory tires it would be pretty far off.
Let me know when you're ready to sell, old man.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
Do you have a tuner on it? Not that I know what I'm talking about, but I've heard with a Bullydog, etc guys are seeing 20+ out of those trucks
I have an SCT tuner. It was worse before that (about 11 and 15). It's weird, because I have talked to other guys with the same model who are getting about the same as I am, and some who are getting much better.
The Ford's don't get as good of mileage as the Cummins from what I read/hear. Also, a programmer will help your mileage quite a bit if you run it on the economy tune. More power, and better mileage. lol
Got the programmer. It has 3 canned tunes (tow, street, and holy apeshit). I run the street tune. The power increase was noticeable, and it did increase mileage, but just not a whole lot.
Also, is that hand calculated or using the car computer? Those things are way off.
I hand calculated it a couple of times before the tuner, and it was pretty dead on with the computer. In fact, if I remember correctly, it was a little worse than what the computer showed.
I have a Bully Dog tuner on mine. Two things help the mileage, a tuner and some mileage on the engine. My truck originally only got 15 mpg from the factory, the Bullydog tuner on the performance setting bumped it to about 17.5 mpg. As it has aged it has slowly crept up. It will get over 20 on the highway now and gets the 19.5 mpg combined. I have hand calculated it for years and the overhead console is fairly accurate on mine but I have increased tire size, I imagine with the factory tires it would be pretty far off.
I have bigger tires, too. Oddly enough, the speedo is dead accurate. They park one of those "Your Speed Is xx" boxes on the median by my house all the time, and I check it whenever I pass by. It's always dead on.
Anyway, I guess I will hand-calculate a tank again. I've pretty much just accepted the fact that my truck is a pig, but I don't understand how some people are getting so much better mileage in the same truck. It is driven softly 95% of the time.
Anyway, I guess I will hand-calculate a tank again. I've pretty much just accepted the fact that my truck is a pig, but I don't understand how some people are getting so much better mileage in the same truck. It is driven softly 95% of the time.
Note what Al said about total mileage. These diesels aren't even broken in until 100,000+. Yours had pretty low miles didn't it?
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.