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Gas Pump Etiquette

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  • lowthreeohz
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    That's what I'm doing currently. Choosing a different route the next time.
    why? so you can pay 100 for oil changes, have a hard time parking, and drive a giant ass truck you wouldn't really use? doesn't make sense

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  • Ruffdaddy
    Originally posted by STANGGT40 View Post
    i drive a diesel as my daily. i use it for hauling stuff fairly often, but then again, there are long periods of time where i'm just driving it empty. anyway, from reading a few threads; it seems like you have a lot of hostility built up. settle down...everything is going to be ok.
    I use this site for pure entertainment. There's alot of people on here that get offended easy, so I enjoy feeding off the bitchassedness.

    Please continue reading through a few if my threads and providing this input. It's much appreciated.

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  • The King
    This thread needs more kowbell.....

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    Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
    After seeing all the diesel pussies whining about the joking statement of their small manhood I'm starting to buy into the theory...who the fuck gets a truck like that for daily commuting. I think I'm gonna start hunting for diesel only pumps to fill up my V6 pusstang.
    i drive a diesel as my daily. i use it for hauling stuff fairly often, but then again, there are long periods of time where i'm just driving it empty. anyway, from reading a few threads; it seems like you have a lot of hostility built up. settle down...everything is going to be ok.

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  • Ruffdaddy
    Originally posted by bcoop View Post
    I don't have one currently, but will again soon enough. Would you rather spend $30,000 on a gas truck that will be worth $10,000 when gas hits $4.50+ per gallon, or $30,000 for a truck that you can put 250,000 miles on, and still sell for $10,000+/- no matter what gas/diesel prices are like? It's a pretty clear choice to me.
    What a terribly lopsided apples to oranges comparison...and you know that.

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  • talisman
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by BLK306 View Post
    Like I said in a previous post. If there are just a couple open I give them the benefit of the doubt that they could have been occupied when they had to pull in to the diesel pump. However, when there 6 open gas only pumps that was probably not the case. Or if I sit there and watch them drive up to a diesel pump when there 6 empty gas only pumps. At that point they are either inconsiderate or oblivious to the fact. For those that are oblivious to what they are doing I wish there was some way to bring it to their attention. However, those that just don't care such as yourself I would love to have them pull in to a gas station once with nothing but diesel only pumps open because all of the other pumps are occupied. I'd be willing to bet if a situation like that occurred on a regular basis to you that it would get in to your crawl as well.

    I have pulled into a QT before that was packed to the gills and had to wait. It was the most terrible 3 minutes of my life, I'm still seeing a counselor about it.

    When I pull into a gas station I'm going to pull into the pump that is easiest for me to access and is in the shade. Snaking around the parking lot inconveniencing myself so that someone else doesn't perceive I am inconveniencing them is not high on my priority list. Maybe you should complain to the gas station owners for not providing you with special treatment?

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  • jluv
    I rarely haul shit in my diesel, but when I do it's nice to have. I rarely go offroad, but when I do, it's nice. I like it because it's huge (fits me well), has good power, is reliable, looks good, should go further and has a higher resale value than its little brother. I don't "need" it, I guess, but who really needs exactly what they drive? What does that matter at all? Only jealous people would bash on that.

    Oh, and I still have a big dick, too. Go figure!

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  • mustangguy289
    Originally posted by BLK306 View Post
    I'm not telling them where to pump any more than some of yall are telling others what to drive. Yall are missing the point. None of this has anything to do with telling people where to pump or what to drive or how big their junk is or any of that crap. Its only about being considerate and thinking those that are around you. Its all about being polite like hopefully your parents would teach you to do when you were a kid. I believe our daily lives would go a lot smoother if more of us did this.
    I was not listening to my parents when they were teaching gas pump etiquette. I believe they called that lesson " The cars and the trucks".

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  • BLK306
    Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
    Who are you to tell them where they need to pump?

    I'm not telling them where to pump any more than some of yall are telling others what to drive. Yall are missing the point. None of this has anything to do with telling people where to pump or what to drive or how big their junk is or any of that crap. Its only about being considerate and thinking those that are around you. Its all about being polite like hopefully your parents would teach you to do when you were a kid. I believe our daily lives would go a lot smoother if more of us did this.

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
    why not just buy a 12,000 gas truck and run it til it dies? that's what I did. No justification for a diesel, as bad as i wanted one. im supposed to get a new f350 from work soon anyways...let them foot the bill for oil changes and shit.
    That's what I'm doing currently. Choosing a different route the next time.

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  • bcoop
    Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
    You start off with a lot less truck (or older) in a diesel than a gas for same price. Don't forget price of maintenance.
    Maintenance on a diesel is more costly, but less frequent. It's a wash as long as you don't rag it to shit.

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  • mustangguy289
    Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
    2008 Honda Civic FTW
    I hear honda drives have chinese dicks.

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  • 347Mike
    2008 Honda Civic FTW

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  • mustangguy289
    When I pull into a gas station and look at all the douchebags that did not considere me I realize that must have been here first. Even though I am upset at their inconsideration of me, (they must have known I was coming when they pulled in) i choose to forgive them and pray for them and their ignorant ways.

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  • The King
    Originally posted by Big A View Post
    On topic, the only gripe I have, and it isn't really a big deal, are people that don't pull through to the forward most pump. I realize that during the busy times there was likely someone in front of them, but I've seen it time and time again where people pull in to the first pump and park it. It can be a pain to have to go around and back into a pump, but not a big enough issue to make a thread about.
    The omly reason I wouldn't pull all the way to the forward-most pump is if (in the summer) that one was out exposed to the sun and the one(s) behind it were not.

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