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Sean88gt Going Away Party 7/9 Back 9 in Addison

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  • I certainly hope the "Ryan" named in this thread is not Blansett.
    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


    • Blansett said he wasn't coming.


      • Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
        Blansett said he wasn't coming.
        If he did, i'd be leaving


        • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
          If he did, i'd be leaving
          As would half of everyone else.
          How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


          • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
            If he did, i'd be leaving
            Originally posted by Geor! View Post
            As would half of everyone else.
            This is new. When did this start happening? Is he worse than ever before?


            • Originally posted by Steve View Post
              This is new. When did this start happening? Is he worse than ever before?
              Well I think Matt has animosity because Ryan supposedly stiffed a bartender who is a friend of Matt's. I don't have anything against him.. until he becomes a drunken fool. Which always happens.
              How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


              • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                This is new. When did this start happening? Is he worse than ever before?
                It's not new. I think those who were around him most just finally grew tired of his shit. He's not around much anymore. I've never had a problem with the guy, he's never caused any issues for me. But I can certainly see where him guilting people in to rides, his expectations for his bar tabs to be paid, because 'you have money', etc got real old, real fast.

                A month or two ago, Matt checked in everyone that was at B9 at "RyanB's Sixth DWI Hearing" one night. Ryan got pissed, and deleted everyone from his facebook that was checked in there that night.
                Originally posted by BradM
                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                Originally posted by Leah
                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                • Originally posted by Geor! View Post
                  Well I think Matt has animosity because Ryan supposedly stiffed a bartender who is a friend of Matt's. I don't have anything against him.. until he becomes a drunken fool. Which always happens.
                  Yeah, I keep hoping to hear at some point the guy will turn himself around and stop drinking. Nice guy when he is sober, real cocksucker when he's drunk.


                  • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                    It's not new. I think those who were around him most just finally grew tired of his shit. He's not around much anymore. I've never had a problem with the guy, he's never caused any issues for me. But I can certainly see where him guilting people in to rides, his expectations for his bar tabs to be paid, because 'you have money', etc got real old, real fast.

                    A month or two ago, Matt checked in everyone that was at B9 at "RyanB's Sixth DWI Hearing" one night. Ryan got pissed, and deleted everyone from his facebook that was checked in there that night.
                    What is this "checked in" business all about?
                    How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                    • Originally posted by Geor! View Post
                      What is this "checked in" business all about?
                      on facebook, you genius!
                      Originally posted by BradM
                      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                      Originally posted by Leah
                      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                      • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                        It's not new. I think those who were around him most just finally grew tired of his shit. He's not around much anymore. I've never had a problem with the guy, he's never caused any issues for me. But I can certainly see where him guilting people in to rides, his expectations for his bar tabs to be paid, because 'you have money', etc got real old, real fast.

                        A month or two ago, Matt checked in everyone that was at B9 at "RyanB's Sixth DWI Hearing" one night. Ryan got pissed, and deleted everyone from his facebook that was checked in there that night.
                        Sad to hear, but he brought it on himself. I just hope he doesn't kill himself or anyone during the process before getting some help.

                        I had one run in with him while he was blasted one night, I knew then he wasn't anyone I wanted to be associated with. The only reason I didn't put my foot in his ass that night is because he was a friend of Adam's.


                        • It's an awful long story for me, but in the end, my life is better without him in it. And most people's are as well.

                          He's a leach on friends and a drain on society in general. Most of the people who do put up with him, only do it for his childish antics and lack of alcohol related control. People like the train wreck, then leave him for someone else to deal with.

                          Geor, it's way beyond stiffing a bartender friend. It's the fact that at any given time, he feels you OWE him something for being a "friend".

                          Don't get me wrong, sober Ryan is a pretty decent guy minus the Daniel Tosh/Dane Cook copycat comedy. But finding sober Ryan in the closet of absolute shame that is drunken Ryan really has become a thing of the past.


                          • Originally posted by bcoop View Post

                            A month or two ago, Matt checked in everyone that was at B9 at "RyanB's Sixth DWI Hearing" one night. Ryan got pissed, and deleted everyone from his facebook that was checked in there that night.

                            That night and the week after were fucking wild. Need a repeater this Thursday AND Saturday.

                            As for Ryan.. I've met him a handful of times and had a good time talking to him. He seems determined to make everyone hate him for some reason, which is a shame. I get the feeling he is a very bright guy with a VERY serious problem that is handicapping what could have been a limitless life. I hope he figures it out at some point, before he further destroys himself.


                            • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                              That night and the week after were fucking wild. Need a repeater this Thursday AND Saturday.
                              Token Split Tail

                              Originally posted by slow99
                     favorite female poster strikes again.
                              Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                              You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                              • Thursday not looking good for me :/

