I just hate how everyday it seems like a new 10 page drama thread springs up, with the same 7-8 assholes perpetuating their existence every time. Is that really all that this board has devolved into? An outlet for burnt out middle aged dudes to get their fill of drama?
Fuck you young buck!!!!
This board has always been aggressive, I just think everyone is stressed out and blowing off steam.
I just hate how everyday it seems like a new 10 page drama thread springs up, with the same 7-8 assholes perpetuating their existence every time. Is that really all that this board has devolved into? An outlet for burnt out middle aged dudes to get their fill of drama?
That definitely nailed it. People need to get a life away from the forum.
I think I know 3 board members total. That being said, I love this fucking place!! I've been perusing the board since around '03 or so, and I'll be damned if I haven't had some good laughs. There are probably 2 more boards that I visit, but I always spend the most time here. I agree that while the drama and bickering get on a lot of peoples nerves, a few, myself included, see past all of that shit. I'll say it again...I love this fucking place!!
I think I know 3 board members total. That being said, I love this fucking place!! I've been perusing the board since around '03 or so, and I'll be damned if I haven't had some good laughs. There are probably 2 more boards that I visit, but I always spend the most time here. I agree that while the drama and bickering get on a lot of peoples nerves, a few, myself included, see past all of that shit. I'll say it again...I love this fucking place!!
Get the fuck outta here with that Kumbaya bullshit.
Token Split Tail
Originally posted by slow99
Lmao...my favorite female poster strikes again.
Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.
Why is it that people cannot stick to a topic that someone posts on the boards?
Why is it someone always has to talk shit?
Why is it people will chime in even if they don't know what they are talking about?
I remember back in 2000-2008 was great, now it just sucks.
No matter what thread I click on someone is bitching someone out, or someone doesn't read the OP's thread correctly.
Guess what I will get from this thread? A bunch of bullshit. Here we go.
Get some free posts folks.
Honestly, I think it was far worse from 2000-2008 than it is now. I'm not sure what board you were posting on before, haha.
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
Same board, different newbs. Sucks that most of the old school drama that happens at social gatherings doesn't happen anymore, now its just the newbs making asses of themselves and they end up getting the threads deleted. We need some neighbor calling drama al a' Hook'Em again.
I think its the same ol place with a few new commers trying to mimic old school. I had to take a break lately myself. Took 7/8 months without even opening the site once.