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13 year old killed by pitch at little league game

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  • 13 year old killed by pitch at little league game

    Man, that is fucking rough. Human bodies can take so much abuse, and then something seemingly totally harmless takes this poor kids life.

    Tragedy struck in Winslow, Ariz. on Wednesday morning when a 13-year-old Little Leaguer died hours after being struck by a pitch in the middle of a game.

    According to the Associated Press as well as a variety of Arizona outlets including ABC 15 News, Hayden Walton was struck by a pitch in the chest when he turned to bunt during a game on Tuesday night. The pitch reportedly struck the middle schooler in the chest, directly over his heart. That stopped his heart entirely; a condition medically referred to as commotio cordis, according to ABC 15.
    "He took an inside pitch right in the chest," Winslow Little League official Jamey Jones told the AP. "After that he took two steps to first base and collapsed."
    Walton was almost immediately transported to the nearest hospital, but he never recovered and was pronounced dead on Wednesday morning. The Winslow Little League suspended all games until Friday as a result and the incident was kept under wraps while those closest with the Walton family grieved for the loss of a young member of the Winslow community. Understandably, the Walton parents -- who also have a young daughter -- have been unwilling to speak to the press because of their shock and grief.
    That sense of tragedy has been shared by members of Little League's national branch, where Steve Keener, the president and CEO of Little League Baseball and Softball, released a statement offering up condolences for all those connected with the tragedy.
    "Words cannot adequately express our sorrow on the passing of Hayden," Keener told the AP. "Our thoughts and prayers go out to Hayden's family, all the players and volunteers of the Winslow Little League, his classmates, and his friends, at this difficult time.
    "The loss of a child is incomprehensible."
    While Hayden Walton loved playing sports, he was also considered a rising pillar of the community for performing a variety of good deeds. He was a Boy Scout and, notably, mowed lawns and pitched in on odd jobs like taking out the trash for older widowed women who lived in his neighborhood.
    As of Friday night, no news about when or where Walton would be buried had been released. In the meantime, the Winslow community will continue to grieve over what can only be considered an overpowering and shocking loss.
    "It's a hard thing to handle for everyone," Walton family spokesman Dale Thomas told the AP. "When you're touched by something of this magnitude, it sends shock waves throughout the community.

  • #2
    It's sad as hell. What a shitty accident.

    The thing that com es to my mind though is some group is going to start bitching about littlke league not being safe. Then coming up with all kinds of stupid crap for kids to wear and who knows what else.
    "You wouldn't know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch"


    • #3
      Freak accident, but sad none the less.

      What are the odds of something like that happening? I'd imagine that getting hit in the chest, even close to the heart, happens quite a bit, but what are the chances of that actually killing someone?

      They've got a medical term for it, so it's happened more than one or twice.


      • #4
        They actually already sell chest protectors to prevent this type of injury. I'm not sure how well they work though.


        • #5
          Originally posted by deso View Post
          They actually already sell chest protectors to prevent this type of injury. I'm not sure how well they work though.
          I would think that in this case it would have kept him from dying, but who knows. Perhaps he had a pre-existing heart condition that the family didn't know about.


          • #6
            I think the heart protectors should be required. I was thinking it may be overkill, at first, but then I remembered how much protective gear you have to wear to play football.


            • #7
              The whole situation is really sad!

              RIP little buddy!
              Owner of Titan Towing

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              • #8
                damn that freaks me out, i recently signed my little brother up for baseball (10 years old).....

                R.I.P. little man!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by deso View Post
                  I think the heart protectors should be required. I was thinking it may be overkill, at first, but then I remembered how much protective gear you have to wear to play football.
                  It's a sad situation, but I don't think that's the answer. The odds of this happening are infinitesimal. In all the years of baseball, how many times have you heard this happen?

                  I got my head split open by a set of cleats diving to home plate to tag out a runner sliding in little league. Took 20 staples to close it and a blood transfusion. Does this mean we should ban cleats?

                  Everything in life is a calculated risk. You can't protect your kids from every danger in the world, and it is arrogant to think otherwise.

                  People who feel this is the proper amount of protection

                  should NOT have their kids in sports, or any outdoor activity, to begin with.

                  (not directed at you, really, just overprotective people in general. )
                  Last edited by sc281; 06-05-2011, 07:10 PM.


                  • #10
                    That's horrible I also hope that the pitcher stays ok. That shit would fuck me up.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by aCid View Post
                      That's horrible I also hope that the pitcher stays ok. That shit would fuck me up.
                      I was thinking the same. I'm sure the pitcher feels horrible.
                      2007 GT


                      • #12
                        Bunting in LL? Seriously? Sucks for the kid, his family & teammates. RIP.


                        • #13
                          sad, may he rip, i feel for the family, but you cant live life in fear.


                          • #14
                            We need safer baseballs!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by UserX View Post
                              Bunting in LL? Seriously? Sucks for the kid, his family & teammates. RIP.
                              What's wrong with bunting in LL?

