While I am on an involuntary vacation I am a stay at home dad..... I think I have another 16 months of "paid vacation" maybe Obama isn't so bad afterall
I'm a project manager for federal programs (currently running Iraq Operations for an Environmental Remediation and Implementation on the Air Force side). I'm hoping to continue that once this project ends in September because we have on in Guam for the next 5 years.
Traditionally in the States, I'm an Environmental, Safety & Health Manager. While I've been in Iraq, I got my Cerified Industial Hygiene Manager title (CIHM), just in case this gig doesn't last. Unfortunately, I'm not seeing very many HSE positions opeen like there once was. If Guam doesn't come through, I might be on Obama's titty like the rest of the bums on here. LOL!!!
Have a small side business reselling/consigning high end menswear online. Trying to get back into either the mortgage or IT fields, as i have previous exp. in both.
I only had one career goal as a child, that was to be a Marine. Now that I've accomplished that I'm still looking for a career that will satisfy my desires out of life. I'm starting my MPA in international affairs, but I'll most likely end up working in non profit hopefully.
Have a small side business reselling/consigning high end menswear online. Trying to get back into either the mortgage or IT fields, as i have previous exp. in both.