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  • Originally posted by talisman View Post
    I'd have to start driving now. It would take me that long to get there in my slow gay convertible.
    But at least you could put the top down and enjoy the wind in your bad.

    Seriously, its not that far.


    • Originally posted by aCid View Post
      Eh fuck GTG's, Steve just needs to come to a gtg at the bar or party. Get drunk and see if he'll armbar everyone!
      Funny, most of the times i've seen you is at non bar/house party gtgs LOL!


      • I'm hungry. Who's in the mood for some AAARRRMBAAARRRBEQUE?!


        • Originally posted by aCid View Post
          Eh fuck GTG's, Steve just needs to come to a gtg at the bar or party. Get drunk and see if he'll armbar everyone!
          I'll go to a bar GTG, as long as no one gets offended I don't drink if offered one. No armbars either, arms are for hugs.


          • Originally posted by Tyrone Biggums View Post
            I'm hungry. Who's in the mood for some AAARRRMBAAARRRBEQUE?!
            Sorry, Steve is more of an amrbarby's kind of fella!


            • Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
              Sorry, Steve is more of an amrbarby's kind of fella!

              And you're more of an "In-N-Out" type. Have you been there yet with a girl?

              I know I could have worded that better to be funnier somehow.


              • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                I'll go to a bar GTG, as long as no one gets offended I don't drink if offered one. No armbars either, arms are for hugs.
                I really don't get this, I don't think anyone has ever been offended because someone didn't drink at a GTG. Adam went a long time not drinking, as did Tony. Hell even Chris used to come out to a few of the Rockhouse GTG's and no one game him shit for not drinking.

                Even I have cut back my drinking, and occassionally don't even have a drop of alcohol at the Back 9 on Thursdays.


                • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                  And you're more of an "In-N-Out" type. Have you been there yet with a girl?

                  I know I could have worded that better to be funnier somehow.
                  Is that why you waited with me on opening night for a couple hours? Thought you might get lucky? Funny thing is i went to In n Out last night with my old lady, then came home and gave some In n Out as well


                  • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                    I really don't get this, I don't think anyone has ever been offended because someone didn't drink at a GTG. Adam went a long time not drinking, as did Tony. Hell even Chris used to come out to a few of the Rockhouse GTG's and no one game him shit for not drinking.

                    Even I have cut back my drinking, and occassionally don't even have a drop of alcohol at the Back 9 on Thursdays.
                    Truth! Remember the one time i went and drank? Got fucking HAMMERED, and had to have Hollywood drive my car home! LMAO good times!

                    Other than the occasional "order a drink homo!" i never felt like it was a big deal that i wasn't drinking at a gtg. Bar scene just isn't my thing anymore.


                    • Originally posted by Silverback View Post
                      I really don't get this, I don't think anyone has ever been offended because someone didn't drink at a GTG. Adam went a long time not drinking, as did Tony. Hell even Chris used to come out to a few of the Rockhouse GTG's and no one game him shit for not drinking.

                      Even I have cut back my drinking, and occassionally don't even have a drop of alcohol at the Back 9 on Thursdays.
                      Just a incident I had once before at a bar. I had a loud drunk guy spill a drink on me because he was out of control. He apologized, while leaning on me, breathing his drunken breath in my face. I said it was cool, no harm done and told him to have a good night. About 5 minutes later he comes over to the table where I was at with some friends and he shoves a bottle of beer in my face almost falling on me. I was nice, smiled and said thanks, but no thanks, I'm not drinking tonight. He got really pissed at me and said it was rude of me not accept his drink and might as well have slapped him in the face. He then threw the bottle at me and a punch right behind it. An hour and half later after dealing with bouncers, cops, the guys pissed off friends I finally got to leave and go home instead of jail for putting this guy to sleep in the middle of the patio area.

                      Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                      Is that why you waited with me on opening night for a couple hours? Thought you might get lucky? Funny thing is i went to In n Out last night with my old lady, then came home and gave some In n Out as well
                      Nice! So she didn't mind your little pickle with her In-N-Out eh? (again, probably funnier in my head lol)


                      • Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                        LOL you told me to name names!
                        Because you were calling people out anonymously!

                        And you have been to the bar with us, its the same crowd and the same stuff that happens at rockband g2gs!


                        • Originally posted by Chili View Post
                          Because you were calling people out anonymously!

                          And you have been to the bar with us, its the same crowd and the same stuff that happens at rockband g2gs!
                          I don't mind people i know in a bar. Its the drunken idiots i don't know that i don't care for.


                          • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                            Nice! So she didn't mind your little pickle with her In-N-Out eh? (again, probably funnier in my head lol)
                            I don't care if she liked it. I care about me!


                            • Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                              Funny, most of the times i've seen you is at non bar/house party gtgs LOL!
                              Bitch that was when I was underage! And I'm saying to kiss up and make up I'd go to a bar, and have a few drinks.


                              • Originally posted by aCid View Post
                                Bitch that was when I was underage! And I'm saying to kiss up and make up I'd go to a bar, and have a few drinks.
                                you would go anywhere to kiss and make up with a guy from here homo!

